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hate van in hilo
I saw the "noose" effigies, so did Kapohocat it was quite a shock while driving

I was shocked too when you said he (Borden) was doing that. That's why I wanted to see it for myself. Guys, don't make this out to be more than it is. If you have some proof of the noose, show it. In my mind, it's key to getting this guy removed. That's what you want, right?

If you have some proof of the noose, show it. In my mind, it's key to getting this guy removed.

People believe what they want to believe.
If you saw a photo of Borden, his truck, and the president hanging from a noose you'd start enlarging the picture to look for evidence that it was photoshopped.
And then you'd find it, even if it wasn't there.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
I personally saw the President Obama with his head in a noose also. Several times, and so has my wife seen it.

You are probably NOT going to find any photos of this on the web, because nobody else is stupid enough, disrespectful enough, and willing to risk having the FBI after them, to show it. The picture exists. A bunch of use have seen it. This part of the thread is a non-issue. Maybe we can move on.....

Jon in Keaau/HPP

I removed the web address. Sorry I posted it here. I did a google search of "James Borden Obama head in a noose" and that was the first item in the search. 1000 pardons.
Jon in Keaau/HPP
Why are we worrying about whether or not there was an effigy of the president in a noose, or if photos exist? That is protected speech. The secret service MAY investigate if they think its a viable threat... if they determine it isn't, then the effigy is allowed to hang. It has happened all around the country (especially around Halloween) since he was elected. Likewise, you could snort lines of powdered sugar up your nose at the same park. Maybe the cops will stop by and see if its an illegal drug. If its not, you're free to keep snorting.

I'm not saying either is right or wrong, I'm just saying that its already been pointed out that it is legal.
I'm just saying that its already been pointed out that it is legal.

I think (most?) everyone agrees it's legal.
The discussion veered off into whether or not it occurred if there is no photographic evidence. Apparently, unlike in a court of law, verbal testimony in the court of Punaweb is not acceptable evidence.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Silence, punaweb court is now in session.
This article showed up ion my first google search:

The article is not about James Borden. I saw that article as well, and read the entire piece. You say you saw it, and your wife saw it, but no evidence. You just pile onto this guy over and over again. Why isn't it enough to just say you disagree with what he says about Muslims, Islam, gays, abortion, etc. Why do you have to bring something else into your complaint that some of us aren't seeing? Something so vile like our President in a noose. That is vile, and in my mind unacceptable. That is why I am so outraged, and am practically begging to see some proof Borden is doing this.
Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge
If you saw a photo of Borden, his truck, and the president hanging from a noose you'd start enlarging the picture to look for evidence that it was photoshopped. And then you'd find it, even if it wasn't there.

Not true. Not even close. What I would do, and you have my word about this, is I would print the image, the one with Borden, his truck, and the 'Obama-in-a-noose', and I would first show that image to Borden, asking him if he was doing this, displaying Obama-in-a-noose, get him on record confirming that, then take that directly to the media, and demand they cover that. That is a national story. He would be gone within a week.
FWIW,, I've seen it too. But I don't carry a cell phone or camera.

I would first show that image to Borden... get him on record confirming that

I think I have some good news for you. What you would like is called a "confession,"* and photographic evidence is not required. Don't take my word for it, turn on any TV cop drama and within 5 minutes you will see a "perp"* placed in a small room with a detective, and a two way mirror that hides the presence of 3 other officers listening in an adjacent room. The detective tries to get the "perp" to state on record that he personally performed or knew about an illegal act for which he has been apprehended. No photos are necessary! Just a verbal confession! Done!

Unfortunately in the case of Bordon he would only be confessing to something distasteful, not illegal. But it will make your work easier, because he'll have no reason not to "sing like a canary."*

Here's another phrase I've heard a cop use, "I'm getting too old for this."**

* Words and phrases learned from dramatic law enforcement TV programs or movies.
** Murdoch in Lethal Weapon, Lethal Weapon 2, Lethal Weapon 3, and Lethal Weapon 4
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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