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Prabha Indian Rest. moved
I am a huge fan of Indian food and have studied its preparatino and can make a pretty good curry or masala. Prabha is a good restaurant and a very deal. This is more home style Indina than what we normally see in Indian restaurants. They are planning on getting fryers and will be doing pakoras and samosas. I do object to their Naan. It is obviously store bought and nothing like a proper naan.
As far as Akmal, of I can't know for sure, but their food tastes like those "Tasy Bites" packs of Indian food.
As far as the vegetarian thing, there are many of us who appreciate this very much.
I too am a huge fan of Indian, but have NOT studied its preparation, nor can I make a mean curry or masala, at least not from scratch. With no credentials to speak of, I can only rely on what my tastebuds tell me. So consider this just one ignorant man's ramblings:

Back in a previous life I ran a factory in the suburbs of Chicago. We had employees from all around the world, lots of folks from different parts of India. Every quarter we held an "International Fair" in the cafetaria at lunch time, basically a potluck that invited employees to bring an authentic dish from their home country. It was some of the best Indian food I've ever had! One employee from the south of India always brought the spiciest dish and I couldn't get enough of it. I can only assume all these dishes were "home style," but don't know for sure. Leaving out any value judgments, my tastebuds tell me it was "different" than what I had at Prabha. That said, India's a really big place with lots of subcultures. I take Jackson's word that it's authentic, which means I likely never tasted Indian cuisine from that area of the country, somewhere in the South according to the guy I spoke with at Prabha.

But now I think I want to be your friend, Jackson, now that I know you're a curry and masala aficionado! Smile Any good recipes to share?

Bottom line, taste is a personal thing so don't listen to me. Give Prabha a chance and decide for yourselves.

I wish Prabha the best!

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
The website says Akmal's Pakistani Food and Suraya's Indian Kitchen so I would guess it is a little bit of both.

I do know everything is made from scratch and Suraya uses as many local ingredients as she can, I see her shopping at the Hilo Farmers market for her produce. When I walked through the Kress lobby yesterday at about 5 it smelled like the Indian restaurant next to my bus stop in London a zillion years ago. The first time I tried Indian food my brother ordered a curry for me that was so hot I couldn't eat more than one bite. I was a not very adventurous kid from a mid western farm town and I didn't try curry again for decades. I still order mild though.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
"As far as the vegetarian thing, there are many of us who appreciate this very much."

According to the Vegetarian Times, a whopping 3.2% of the USA is vegetarian. While I admire their resolve, immediately excluding nearly 97% of your customer base is an interesting marketing decision. While I acknowledge that some non-vegetarians will try it (I did) one also has to consider that out of those 3.2%, not all of them like Indian food. So that's probably a wash. A more sensible alternative would be to offer both vegetarian and meat options, like every other Indian restaurant I've been to. If they did that, at least then the only thing they'd be fighting is that their food isn't that good, and the customer feels like livestock, getting their meal carefully weighed out in front of them.

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