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Almost 1 mill gal cow poop spill again,carefully
I was wondering about how the big factory farms on the mainland handles this problem and came across this video :

It of course would never work here .
there's already "ag-lite" zoning (RA, FA)

I wonder what would happen if someone attempted to change existing zoning to reflect the reality of the year 2018?

Bellowing? Snorting? Squawking? Not at the "farms," at the community input meeting.

“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” - Mark Twain
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Kalakoa says: "I'm more fascinated by the eternal land-use struggle. It's "ag-zoned" land being used for an "ag purpose", right?"

There's a huge difference between the sustainable agriculture needed in a sensitive island environment, and what amounts to a sh!t factory in people's kuleana. Storing 100,000's gallons of sh!t in ponds is not responsible/sustainable/ethical agriculture.

What if residents of Kapoho stored their crap in a big pond instead of draining it straight into the bay?.........wait; that's not relevent anymore.
Nothing on this island is "sensitive"...( to humans who pay taxes maybe.) But if humans get wiped out, the island will be here for a long, long time. Nature doesn't discriminate like we do. It'll get Along just fine without us, no matter what the wind and currents bring it.

Why are people so full of themselves and think it matters.other than it's an inconvenience,
Why are people so full of themselves and think it matters, other than it's an inconvenience,

Speaking Truth to Lies / Facts to Ignorance
Look at the native forrest system that sustained itself for thousands of years...plant, insect, animals all interrelated.

Polynesian arrival changed it some......

Western arrival has completely changed it.

500,000 years of a stable, healthy, ecosystem irreversibly damaged by 300 years of "enlightenment".

Sh!t ponds, deforestation, chemicals, invasive species, introduced pathogens.

You're right, the island will be here long after we've disappeared, but we've managed to pretty much destroy a pristine ecosystem. What's left will be a natural Frankenstein.
"I was wondering about how the big factory farms on the mainland handles this problem and came across this video"

I didn't watch the video, but in most of the world the manure is used to feed the gardens instead of chemical fertilizers.
in most of the world the manure is used to feed the gardens

Yes. It's called "agriculture", which is not what we're doing here.
"I didn't watch the video"

You should, It doesn't have any viruses.

They do much more than fertilize the fields.

It wouldn't work here because generating electricity from cow pies would be some kind of voodoo !!
To sum it up.. waste is put in a digester, converted to methane and used to create power. The leftovers are used to fertilize the fields.. and the cycle continues. Much to sophisticated technology for this population unfortunately.

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