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HPP stuff
With reference to the proposed Bylaw changes, as reported in the thread on the February 22 General Membership meeting:

"No to your question Aki. There'll be no votes tomorrow. A presentation of the proposed amendments thus far and there'll be handouts so members can review them at home. Also Q&A on the proposals."

Would it not make sense to post the proposals on the website, along with a contact to respond to requests for clarifications or to receive further suggestions? At the present, only the people who attended the subject meeting have the information in hand.

What about members who live off Island?
As a member who lives off island, I couldn't agree more.
I also posted on the Feb 22nd thread about this topic of Bylaw info. The BLC had discussed posting this info at HPP's website at one of their meetings. I believe this was planned so it's a matter of coordinating it w/whomever does this for HPP. Another lot owner suggested having handouts available at the ofc as well. Another good idea.
Did you know?

About a month ago the interim GM recommended the application of Hawaiian cement to be applied to 14th Makuu to Paradise to mitigate dust. The road crew spread it at several locations and was told to wait for rain instead of applying water on it immediately.

Needless to say the dust from this application was horrible, and continued for weeks. It's obvious the GM didn't know that cement contains lye which is a caustic chemical. Any time you work with cement or lye you need eye and respiratory protection. The GM didn't even inform the residents that this chemical was being applied to their road.

I have been informed by a resident of 14th that she has contacted the DOH regarding the violation of the Federal Clean Air Act.

I can't wait to see what the DOH has to say about this one.

It just shows that the GM doesn't have a clue about road maintenance.

Unfortunately, what Watchdog said in the above post is true. I watched, stunned, as the guys in the pick up truck, (with no protective gear, or notice given to residents) shoveled dry cement onto the road. The acting GM was right behind them. (far enough away not to get dusted with cement, unlike us who have to drive/live on the road) It was the day it was supposed to rain, and then didn't for a week or two. Talk about dust. By the time it rained, all the dry cement had blown away. (or up our noses, down our lungs...) There really is no defense for such "leap before you look" action by our Road Crew.
BTW, it wasn't me who reported this to DOH, but I'm not surprised that somebody did.
Originally posted by Kenney

Unfortunately, what Watchdog said in the above post is true. I watched, stunned, as the guys in the pick up truck, (with no protective gear, or notice given to residents) shoveled dry cement onto the road. The acting GM was right behind them. (far enough away not to get dusted with cement, unlike us who have to drive/live on the road) It was the day it was supposed to rain, and then didn't for a week or two. Talk about dust. By the time it rained, all the dry cement had blown away. (or up our noses, down our lungs...) There really is no defense for such "leap before you look" action by our Road Crew.
BTW, it wasn't me who reported this to DOH, but I'm not surprised that somebody did.

Kenny, Don't Blame the road crew they were directed by Jo, the interim GM. It's obvious that she didn't get a professional opinion from an engineer or any other contractor.

Because of her actions the Association could be facing another law suit, this time from the DOH.
No blame. Just questioning the wisdom of using dust to fix dust...

I think my tear ducts are cemented closed...

Suing the Association doesn't really make me happy either. It's like we're suing ourselves since we ARE the Association. Something to think about.
Went to check the HPPOA website, to see if the proposed changes to the Bylaws were posted yet - and found a totally NEW site.

Haven't explored it yet, as I wanted to alert any interested members to take a look.

ETA: With a quick look, I could not find the proposed Bylaw changes. If someone can find them before I do, please let me know where. Tks.
Unless the bylaws committee asks to have the proposed bylaws published on the website, they are not going to appear.
Maybe the bylaws committee doesnt want the proposed bylaws published until they are voted on and no longer proposed.
During the slide presentation we were told there were a couple of the proposed bylaws that are no longer valid due to the bond.
I have no more info on this, but maybe that is why the bylaws committee is not requesting the proposed bylaws go on the website.
There are a couple people who post on punaweb who are members of the bylaws committee and maybe they can better address the status of putting them on the website.

Originally posted by Karma96749

Unless the bylaws committee asks to have the proposed bylaws published on the website, they are not going to appear.
Maybe the bylaws committee doesnt want the proposed bylaws published until they are voted on and no longer proposed.
During the slide presentation we were told there were a couple of the proposed bylaws that are no longer valid due to the bond.
I have no more info on this, but maybe that is why the bylaws committee is not requesting the proposed bylaws go on the website.
There are a couple people who post on punaweb who are members of the bylaws committee and maybe they can better address the status of putting them on the website.


Why wouldn't they want people to know what the proposed changes to the by laws are well BEFORE they are voted on?

In this day and age one of the most effective way to reach widely dispersed property owners is through electronic media, like the website or emails. All they have to do is clearly label the proposed changes as just that, proposed changes, and post them for the members to read. Usually this is done by showing the current text in a normal font, with strike throughs for proposed deletions and italics for the proposed new language. This is standard operating procedure for any board, whether it is a volunteer non profit or a paid board of professionals.

With so many HPP property owners living elsewhere, not to mention working people or others who cannot attend weekend evening meetings, it seems like this board and/or by-laws committee would want to be as transparent as possible and communicate with as many of the HPPOA members as possible. Instead, if you didn't go to ONE meeting, you have no way of knowing what the proposed by-laws changes are. The by-laws are the constitution of a non-profit describing the purpose, structure and function of the organization, so letting the members know what the proposed changes are in a timely fashion would make a lot of sense.

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