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Hello Mr. Wolf, won't you please sit down?
Actually it is not impossible. It simply requires some focus and this site's intention is to have people think inside the Hawaiian box. The world financial crisis will be felt in different ways in different places. How it affects and is felt here is appropriate and desired for Punaweb. If someone thinks the antichrist is born or that liberals/conservatives have all the answers they can simply take it somewhere else.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Thanks for sharing that spam. I see the Puna connection -
there are pigs here! And you're comparing us to them!

Firstly, what would this young man know about socialist government if
the communists are rebels in his country.

Secondly, why would he be telling the professor this story, it
has nothing to do with chemistry or why he has a sore back.

Thirdly, Thomas Jefferson never said that.

"you might want to send this on to your friends"
Always a sign that something is ripe for the Delete button.

This forum is supposed to be about Puna and Hawaii.
If people just lazily cut and paste any drivel from their
favourite websites and spam emails then we will drown in it.
Indeed, there are other places where world events are recognized as relative and important to Hawaii's future and are invited to be discussed.

I don't know why we need to get into full on attack mode either, actually. . .

I was waiting for someone to create another site like this: this "niche" has been waiting to be filled here for some time. Don't misconstrue this as a slam on punaweb; it's a wonderful option for locally-focused discussion. But there is value in sometimes stepping outside the box to see the bigger picture. Jay is giving us this option.

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
I agree.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Thanks Tim, I'll see you there!

You ought to come up and see the place and have a beer one of these days too. . .
Can't wait to see what you've done. (Love the mini-greenhouse idea btw.) I'm leaving for the mainland today but will be back Thursday. Maybe we can hoook up the week after? I'll bring the Guinness!

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
Sounds good.

Have you seen Juan Enriquez's humorous and rather startling 18 minute slideshow on the economy, technology, and where to from here? Relates directly to the discussion in this thread.

Free at TED

Search "Juan Enriquez" and click on
Juan Enriquez: Beyond the crisis, mindboggling science

These TED talks are such a rich resource! Most of them are remarkably informative and entertaining. Enjoy!

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A pleasant slideshow:

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Astonishing skill! This archer is a real-life Legolas and then some!

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With regard to the discussion in this thread about possible relationships between Puna and Kona annual rainfall patterns , local weather, severe storms, and ocean water temperature -here is a link to an interesting story on sealevel height variation potentially being more clearly indicative than surface temperature.

A number of recent studies have shown that satellite measurements of sea surface height, which show where and how much heat is stored in the ocean, are useful in predicting if hurricanes will strengthen as they travel over water..."Understanding Hurricane Intensity Using Sea Surface Height and Temperature Information," compares data from six storms. It demonstrates that ocean heat content, which fuels the development of hurricanes, is more clearly indicated by measurements of sea surface height than surface temperature.

I wonder what effect the undersea lava vents of Lo`ihi Seamount have on seawater temperature off Puna and if this, in turn, has any bearing on Big Island rainfall patterns or storm severity?

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A pleasant slideshow:

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Astonishing skill! This archer is a real-life Legolas and then some!

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