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BEEG flash by airport ...
Small kine storm,nothing major.
Just a tease of what can and does happen here from time to time.
We stay off grid,no need HELLCO.
Only 8 inches rain in 24 hours up here on the farm.
Just a small gully washer.

"OMG -- you mean someone is running POWER to the volcano!? That explains so much! Turn it off!"

Kelena, you made me LOL!
I was directly under the blast "by the airport." Actually, Keaukaha on Lihikai Rd. It knocked power out only on my road in the area, so I'm pretty sure it was directly overhead. No gap whatsoever between seeing light and a deafening CRASH sound. I even had a jacket over my eyes in bed and my entire field of vision suddenly went white, while the noise nearly blew me out of bed. Totally fried my phone, but miraculously not my laptop, which was plugged in. Let me tell you, experiencing lightening when you're right close to it is an order of magnitude more intense than from a distance.

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