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"The Protectors" and Their Momentum
Surprised the Aina protectors have not been down to Punaluu yet.
No need for Protectors in Punaluu, the old wharf is post-Territory and therefore "not sacred". Even if it were, the tour operator clearly doesn't have enough money to warrant Protection.
Maybe not sacred but "historic" was the word I heard someone use.
"historic" is a post-contact word used by haoles to justify the existing desecration.
The Big Island video news Updated the disappointing Punalu'u situation.
disappointing Punalu'u situation.

Are you still on island?
Will you be able to take a drive over to Punalu'u to return the rocks to their original position, or as close as possible? Perhaps rub some of the chips & scrapes made by the backhoe on the boulders with a non-toxic water soluble grey or black compound so they look naturally weathered again?

Perfect citizens: Those who do not like cake, but have a passion for producing eggs, butter, sugar & milk.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
the tour operator clearly doesn't have enough money to warrant Protection.

Update from Hawaii News Now:
Guy Enriques of the community non-profit, O Ka'u Kakou, said in January, his organization had approached Roberts Hawaii for a donation. The company turned down the request, but also told the non-profit about its lava tour plans at Punaluu.

'Ain't no way in hell you are going to do that,'" said Enriques.

"Protect not only Punaluu, but all of Ka'u. All of it," said one resident.

Perfect citizens: Those who do not like cake, but have a passion for producing eggs, butter, sugar & milk.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
HOTPE@ 20:02:56-

Re: Guy Enriques comment "Ain't no way in hell you are going to do that"
means: Ain't no way I will allow anyone to compete with my business here unless
you pay me for the "privilege". Interesting how the State and County sprang into action
in this case. Note Enriques is a former County Councilor 2008-2010 for K'au
As they say here, JMHO.
Interesting how the State and County sprang into action
in this case. Note Enriques is a former County Councilor 2008-2010 for K'au

I believe protecting the shoreline is a good thing.
That being said, let's talk for a moment about bigger fish to fry.
If the three rocks that were moved at Punalu'u were the mothers and fathers of the "Phone Video Protectors" what about the real children, mothers and fathers of Ka'u District? The drug and alcohol problem there is pervasive. Drive out to Na'alehu sometime, find a parking place in town and walk through the business area and parks.

Why not jump into action for your own children, or spouses? Instead, all this energy is used to turn a few rocks into a battleground? Because the backhoe driver is an outsider from Kona? And not a difficult family member who requires too much effort to interact with, and besides you have to live with them?

What's really gong on here?

Perfect citizens: Those who do not like cake, but have a passion for producing eggs, butter, sugar & milk.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Because the backhoe driver is an outsider from Kona?

Because he's using a backhoe.

Interesting how the State and County sprang into action in this case.

"It's not what you do, it's who you know."

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