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Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway
Thanks for the injection of facts, Obie.
My favorite part about the Trump presidency is how folks have now turned everything they don’t agree with into fake news. Trump’s in England and says there is no protests.. says if you see any it is made up, fake news. While on any other reporting network (beside the one that is a propaganda arm of the White House) there’s reams of footage of protest. Or the lady that said she heard the Mueller report says the pres did nothing wrong, or so says the news she listens to.

Now we have some wanting us to believe that if a “scientific” study that finds potential benefits for some cancer treated with glyphosate means it is otherwise safe without observing that most cancer treatments employ poisons to eradicate cancer. And posters that draw lines suggesting info in opinion pieces is inferior to info on some website that publishes its opinions under some banner that infers it’s science.

What I find most impressive is the way one poster smugly announces one opinion right and another wrong with their extremely loose definition of “fact”

And still, I’ll observe, what is Monsanto so afraid of that they have to lie and otherwise be so deceitful as to bring all this humbug on themselves? Based on that alone I agree with Tulsi’s call for a ban on glyphosate until this is all resolved. In a world where regulation errs on the side of caution I find the winner take all cavalier way in which glyphosate has been embraced to be troubling.

folks have now turned everything they don't agree with into fake news

Even more amazing, people think this is a new innovation.
Thank you Obie, Brilliant why doesn't Monsanto approach the scientists involved with this research, offer the three cancer survivors and others who are claiming Roundup has caused life threating illnesses, to volunteer in clinical trials with this possible life saving treatment!

oops, my mistake I forgot Monsanto is already funding their research!
Isn't Warfarin both a rodenticide and a heart medicine?
It is an undeniable fact that Monsanto opponents have cherry picked data in order to "prove" the link to cancer.
Maybe it does cause cancer. Maybe there's a Loch Ness monster. But there is no compelling evidence for either statement.
I'm not surprised Monsanto acts that way when faced with irrational and ill-informed fanatics trying to destroy it.

I'm confident we'll get to the truth.
What I find particularly problematic about believing the IARC over the EPA, USDA, and FDA is that there is no accompanying rejection of all the other calls that those organizations have made.
In a world where regulation errs on the side of caution

Like in the case with the proven dangers of alcohol consumption? We even had a Constitutional Amendment banning it. Or how about tobacco, more deadly and dangerous than even the most zealous opponents of Roundup would claim.

Perhaps government will restrict Roundup use as they regulate other deadly substances, erring on the side of caution:

* Must be over 18 years of age
* Federal & State taxes applied
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Back in the 80's I restored cars as a hobby. I used to do my own painting and the hardener had this warning :

"Causes Cancer "

I still used it and I'm still alive !!

I used the recommended precautions.

Perhaps government will restrict Roundup use as they regulate other deadly substances

More likely government will tax Roundup as they do with alcohol and tobacco, because taxation has made those products so completely safe that they can be sold over-the-counter without a permit other than proof of minimum age.

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