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Mosquito Control & Mosquito-borne Disease
If this Facebook link functions, then following it a thirty-two second video demonstrates how to make an inexpensive and supposedly very effective DIY mosquito trap from a 2 liter plastic bottle, water, brown sugar, yeast, and a strip of duct tape.

Has anyone tried this interesting approach for trapping/killing the local strains of mosquitoes?

Are ants attracted to this trap? If so, then it might work better here if the bottle trap is set in a shallow saucer of water as a barrier against ants, though a drop or two of mineral oil might be necessary in the saucer-water to prevent mosquitoes from breeding in that moat.

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Astonishing skill! This archer is a real-life Legolas and then some!

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Astonishing skill! This archer is a real-life Legolas and then some!

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You can use any type of sugar(s), as the mosquito attractant is the CO2 off-gas provided by the yeast (and the yeast is utilizing the sugar(s) as it does for most yeasty things....)

As ant can also be attracted to sugar(s) and fermentation( what will happen when yeast, sugar(s) and water are mixed), a dish of soap or water would help keep the ant invasion down (have no idea if adding boric acid or other borates would create a "double trap"!)

Back in the last century, I did field work trapping mosquitoes in Dry Ice traps (we needed to ID them, so a "dry" trap was better than a fermenting trap...) Same sort of idea (Those were 'pro' models & were usually hung near high skeeter water holes)
If you could press a button (say, in a voting booth) and eliminate every single mosquito in Hawaii, then would you?

Linked below is a radio broadcast on mosquitoes and their control which can be listened to via the internet.

An interesting and informative story, especially here in Hawaii where mosquitoes were accidentally introduced quite recently and threaten endangered bird species with extinction.

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Astonishing skill! This archer is a real-life Legolas and then some!

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Astonishing skill! This archer is a real-life Legolas and then some!

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Keep in mind that bug zappers of any kind need to be kept at a healthy distance from people. Every time a bug is lit up, it vaporizes part of the bug, including whatever viruses might be in its system, and sends them out into the surrounding air. It's a toxic soup you really should not breathe.
A friend of mine lived on Oahu in the 1950's and said it was completely mosquito free.
The army had dusted the entire island with DDT during World War 2, and for years afterward - - no mosquitoes until they were slowly reintroduced form the other islands.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
No doubt about it, DDT is bad stuff, but so is malaria. Which is worse? Almost always the DDT but in some cases it might be the malaria.
Try mosquito dunks available at Home Depot $10.00, put in any place where standing water pools. Works great!
Originally posted by Kelena

Nothing stops mosquitos except drought and screens.

You could do it naturally !
Anyone tried these products for keeping the biters at bay?

Permethrin. purported to be as good as 100% deet but without the smell. I read people soak their clothes in it and it doesn't stain. Supposedly lasts for several washings. Also purports to repel flees and ticks. Amazon link:

Skin So Soft Insect Repellent. Some claim to use this even on their animals. Amazon link:

Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times".

Originally Avon Skin So Soft was a bath oil kind of stuff and wreaked -- it was effective though. Later, Avon got wise to the insect repellant quality and developed a whole line of products with whatever chemical it is that bugs don't like. I personally don't want to smell like really cheap perfume, so I use the sun block cream. Works great for me, but then again mosquitos aren't particularly attracted to me in the first place.
Un Mojado Sin Licencia

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