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yikes, termites
A heads up that it is swarming season for drywood termites. They are attracted to light. I found some dropped wings and actual termites in my bathroom by the night light. I already have infestations, mostly in the attic, been seeing the droppings for a while now.

I finally have an appointment to get these infested areas treated with orange oil. Cost is over $1200. Am curious if anyone else used this method?
Orange oil is good for a while. But they always seem to come back.
We had our house tented and fumigated about eight years ago, so far so good, but they recommend about every five years for a redo. We keep our eyes open and if needed would have this done again.
I just had my stick house built up in mountain view 1.5 years ago and so far no termites have been seen, but do you guys recommend any precautions to keep the little buggers away? I don't see many tentings up here so maybe they aren't big of an issue up here, although there is one going on right as i type this on the main highway. Any recommendations?
When we bought our house the termites were in the kitchen cupboards. We did many spot treatments during the first year, then when the swarm started we had termite wings all over the kitchen area, so we tented. I think the termites were in the cupboards when they were purchased and put in this house.

We are very diligent with yearly inspections, and do our best to make sure all of the screens on the doors and windows are solid, so far we do not have any more inside the house, although during the termite swarmings we do see them outside.

We used Terminex for the tenting and we continue paying an anuual premium, just like an insurance policy, so when they turn up again they will come in and re-tent.

The cost eight years ago for our almost 1900 square foot home was under $1200.00, the yearly premium is about $170.00

They did a good job, but they used to have great employees eight years ago, not so impressed with them anymore. If I did not have the insurance and had not been paying for it for so long, I don't think I would be with them anymore.
Our exterminating company (Bowman) does monthly checks on the whole house inside and out and treats with orange oil if needed. They check for other pests too and charge a reasonable fee. If they do find anything they treat it, no extra charge. They are the ones that did the original house inspection.

We did experience the swarming last year, but it was a little later in the year. We turned our pool light on and thousands of them drowned in the pool, none got in the house, but if we wanted to eat outside we had to do so with no lights.

Aloha au i Hawai`i,
Akamai Pest Control treated my two story house this week for drywood termites. They not only injected the infested areas with orange oil, but did preventive spraying with a boric solution on all exposed wood in the attic. The orange oil was injected into the wood at the plate areas of all infested areas as well. The slight orange smell was not unpleasant. The preventative spraying was an added bonus that was included without charge. Best of all, it was nontoxic and safe for plants and pets.

I wonder if you could give us a few more details.

How many affected areas were treated? Was there a breakdown of price - i.e. so much for each infected area or was it just $1200 for the whole job no matter how many areas needed orange oil. Also, did they spray just the attic inside with the preventative treatment or did they also do any exposed wood outside? Did you get a guaranty of how long it should last before you need another preventative treatment? Will they come back and treat for free in the meantime if there are termites in the areas that were treated?

Thank you.

The owner of the company inspects the property and gives an estimate. $1250 appears to be the minimum for a two story house. It includes a one year guarantee that covers most structures on the property including the carport. After the initial treatment, cost is $250 a year to renew the warranty. The number of infested areas did not seem to affect the price. The preventative spraying was only done inside the attic. Don't know if they would do it outside.

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