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Hawaii's Accepted Medical Use of Cannabis
Is nature imperfect? Of course.

Nobody plans on getting ill. So if, theoretically, you were to wake up tomorrow with some horrible disease, you wouldn't bother with real doctors and their evil drugs, you'd just go smoke some pot? Truly?
All plants are perfect and we should partake of all from nature? i actually have a brain cell and don't see the logic of this comment at all. As far as pot, some people can smoke once in a while and some have thc receptors that crave it 24/7. It also metabolizes into a morphine like substance. Is is safe? Personal experience says no.
This is like beating a dead horse.. I'm 63 and at 20 I thought this archaic thinking towards marijuana would be gone in a few yrs.. NO ONE has benefited from these crazy laws except.. law enforcement, prison industry, and politicians who profit from preaching lies to their constituents..Ive learned through my yrs that we are NOT a forward thinking Nation.. We don't allow individual rights and We are basically shielded from how most civilized Nations view Marijuana...The taxation of commercially grown hemp could in itself solve a small part of our gigantic debt..I guess i will never get it...

�It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.� " Krishnamurti "
“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” " Krishnamurti "

americans are for the most part terribly uneducated, dumbed down, consumer driven people. culture, government and capitalism insure this perpetual state of stupor. the few that still have the brain left in them, grumble about the conditions, but don't have the balls nor desire to change anything.

legalizing pot is the least of our problems.
Originally posted by mary


americans are for the most part terribly uneducated, dumbed down, consumer driven people. culture, government and capitalism insure this perpetual state of stupor. the few that still have the brain left in them, grumble about the conditions, but don't have the balls nor desire to change anything.

legalizing pot is the least of our problems.

Thanks for the comment Mary...But your preaching to the

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” " Krishnamurti "
“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” " Krishnamurti "
Originally posted by PaulW

Is nature imperfect? Of course.

Nobody plans on getting ill. So if, theoretically, you were to wake up tomorrow with some horrible disease, you wouldn't bother with real doctors and their evil drugs, you'd just go smoke some pot? Truly?

Truly. Absolutely. Unequivically.

As previously stated: "How can anyone with a smidgen of brain cell ever think that a plant created by nature can be illegal to grow?"
Then I hope (even more than for most people) that you never get really sick.

Oh and watch out for poison mushrooms, they're perfect killers.
right on grumpy!
And Mary! - right on
The biggest beneficiaries of the current legal status of drugs is organized crime, followed by the prison industry and law enforcement. The war on drugs does far more harm than the drugs themselves. For PaulW: I'm pretty sure almost everyone would get proper medical attention, but there is a lot of evidence (properly conducted scientific studies) that shows that marijuana can be used for the treatment of chronic pain and more. This isn't just a bunch of wishful thinking by unwashed hippies.

Realistically, though, why not just legalize pot, tax it and sell it under controlled conditions. You cut your prison population by 30% or more, make money on the taxes and create a legal industry. Use some of the funds to treat those with chronic pot problems. It's no different than alcohol (except that most studies have shown it to be less harmful than alcohol).
Me ka ha`aha`a,

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