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What is up with the cops out here???
Always remember that the Officer on the scene is not the final word. You can ask him to have his supervisor respond and when they go over the air with a request for a supervisor to respond, it's all recorded and can be used for evidence. Front line Officers don't always make the best decisions, that's why they have Sergeants. If a Sergeant is on scene and he's making those bad calls? Ask that the lieutenant respond and the inceident needs to be reported to Hilo. If the Hilo office is getting calls as to why the Sergeants and LT's can't do their jobs down here, thats when things get done and names on the doors change. To say that an Officer is nearing the end of his shift and doesn't want to stay over is not always the case. The Officers get paid overtime to stay past their end of watch, so they have an incentive to stretch out an arrest & booking. You have to remember that this "story" is complete hearsay and is being relayed second, third or even fourth party. Everyone is always innocent and never does anything wrong and could never have done this or that and is the best person in the world with the best disposition. Anyone is capable of anything at anytime. My best advice? ask them to go over the air and request a supervisor respond.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Hawaii Corruption, what a fabulous and much needed grass roots organization that we all should participate in! We need similar in all States, not that HI is a State. The corruption is escalating world wide and we must stand together. Mahalo for your work.

"An idea whose time has come cannot be stopped" Dr. Ron Paul 2012
I've been reading up on it too, props to the people standing up! It seems to all be centered on one case... Would be cool to have it centered on corruption from the start, with this case as one example amongst others...
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
I received a notice from the Hawaii Police Dept. announcing a community meeting on 9/11/12, Tuesday. I will try to paste the info on this post. Although, the meeting is for the So. Hilo district, some of the issues we have experienced with police have indeed occurred in that district.

Media Release
The Hawai’i Police Department will hold a community meeting on Tuesday, September 11, from noon to 2 p.m. at the Hilo police station.
The purpose of the meeting is to allow the public to meet the Police Department’s command staff and to discuss police-related concerns with the police chief and commanders who oversee police operations in the South Hilo District.

The Hilo event continues district community meetings, which are rotated throughout the eight police districts on the Big Island. To aid police commanders in focusing on specific community concerns, they ask that participation in this meeting be limited to persons who live or work in the South Hilo District.
The meeting will take place in the Building A Training Room. Attendees should park at the Kapi’olani Street entrance, go down the stairs below driver’s licensing and and follow the signs to “Community Meeting.”

Those interested in participating but unable to attend may e-mail their concerns or comments to

For more information, you may call Captain Robert Wagner at 961-2214.

He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.
I personally don't have much use for the Police.. But that being the case im kind of curious what their function is in Puna?? Flag traffic at construction sites, keep the SUV dealers in business?? A month ago a group of 30 yr olds were assaulted not far from kalapana.. I know them personally.. they definitely aren't the type to start trouble..They got the crap beat out of them even the girls... After getting the tag number and identifying one the assailants, the Police have done nothing..They even saw the same groups of thugs on the road in Hilo..called it in.. nothing.. I mean what exactly do these guys do???/

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” " Krishnamurti "
“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” " Krishnamurti "
Hi GC,

Can you put up a description of the "thugs" here so we can all be aware please ?

liskir & YurtGirl,

Mahalo for your support. Why are we CURRENTLY centered on one case? Easy, Carrie was the only one brave enought to go at them head on.

As we have become better known others have brought their corruption issues to us. Carrie showed them how to document, RECORD, and copy/safe-guard their evidence. Many of us have all Carrie's evidence, so there's no stopping the next step now. Stay tuned. Our goal is to be the pre-eminant site documenting Hawaii Corruption.

How can you participate? Also easy. Go to the site and comment. We are currently allowing anonymous comments, for obvious reasons. Let them know this corruption is ending NOW.
Bringing Justice to the Islands
HawaiiCorruption, I didn't see a place on your site for new cases, only comments on the one case. That's why it seemed like it was only for this one case. Is there a place like that on your site? Mahalo!

Dragon2k, They are pretty much forcing that kind of vigilante justice if/when they refuse to step in and do what most police in most places are expected to do... As I said, there's something to be said for police who don't harass innocent people and have too much time on their hands, but when they do nothing to support innocent people and allow the thugs to walk with impunity, they are encouraging the thugs to do their worst and the law abiding citizens suffer the most. Does it have to be one way or the other, or can't their be some compromise toward the middle ground? Their should be far more meth dealers, thugs and burglars arrested than pot heads and drunk drivers. We have WAAAAAYYYY more incidents of those things. So what gives?
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
YurtGirl, you can contact us at Mahalo for pointing out our error, it is now clearly visible on our site.
Bringing Justice to the Islands

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