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Anyone in HPP / Puna hear that ocean tonight?!
I live ~1.5 miles from the HPP cliffs. I went outside about 45 minutes ago and heard an insane amount of ocean! Like I've never heard before, either here in my current location or when I lived on 4th street Maku'u as a kid. I can hear the rocks tumbling in the ocean and huge surges breaking, so loud it raises the hairs on my neck.

I'm actually a little concerned. When I went to the cliffs earlier today walking my dog, a little thought in the back of my head said, "looks like some kind of storm might be breweing -- and if not right now, sometime this winter we're going to have a big storm here."

I didn't think that when I got home and went outside later tonight, I'd hear SO much noise from the ocean! I really mean it when I say I've never heard so much from home, ever.

Is anyone else hearing this? How bad is it? I hope no one is in any danger!

High Surf Advisory in effect for east shores through Friday
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Published: 12/12 11:21 am
Updated: 12/12 4:11 pm


The National Weather Service has issued a High Surf Advisory for east-facing shores of Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Maui, and the Big Island.

Forecasters say a trade wind swell generated by the long fetch associated with the high pressure system far north of the islands will continue to produce advisory level surf along the east-facing shores.

Wave heights are expected to be between six and eight feet.

Beach goers are urged to stay out of the water and well away from the shore break due to hazardous wave action.
Thank you! Can you tell me the website you found this on? I looked on a few local news sites but didn't see a high surf advisory.

Much mahalo for the info!

Edit: I have a TV, but no channels! Smile
here is a link to the National Weather Service
A huge typhoon went over the Philipines last week and now Cyclone Evan is parked over Samoa. It looks like it is going to be a turbulent winter for the Pacific. When these large storms break up, they create little pockets of disturbances that are flung off which become wet storms over Hawaii.
Cyclone Evan Causes Damage in Samoa.
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
I'm on the da point in HPP. It was very loud last night. I haven't heard it that loud since last winter. When I first moved over a year ago, it was crashing like that a lot and I found it kind of disturbing. It kept me awake. A very heavy rain last night, too. Just lasted awhile though. Sea is calm and pretty this morning as if to say "Who, me?"
When I left for work this morning it was still booming, that was about 6. I live all the way up on 16th.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Real rough waves on Kaloli Point this am. Power washed my windows yesterday and this morning all full of salt spray. That is rare. In over 2 years here the ocean is more riled up than I have ever seen it. The spray off the waves hitting the cliffs is amazing.
Anyone who is interested in hiking out to Shipman should know there is now a large parking lot at the end of Beach Rd. easy access to Shipman paths.

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