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Eight more TMT protesters arrested on Mauna Kea

The one guy was previously arrested under the new rules and had his bail set at $1000.00.

DLNR upping the ante !
Not so happy campers.

Bronson Kobayashi: Another day of religious persecution and cultural genocide, brought to you by, GoFundMe:
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Bad form to use a photo of arrests being made. gofundme can't be used for illegal activities.
Are you going to report them to GoFundMe?

...we are everywhere...
...we are everywhere...
Cultural genocide? Come on. People have emotions but that's ridiculous. The mountain is still open to everyone and no one is forcing any race or culture to leave or be killed. This is just outright bull****.
Waiting on Opihikao's opinion on "Cultural Genocide" please.

IMO, if that boy really believe or even 1/10 understand it's >(CG) true meaning, he would not be standing there making a video with the weed in his hand.


My Irish father, not a fan of the English, fought against the nazis. My mother, an Austrian, spent WWII as a refugee hiding in the Alps. Both knew that the nazis would kill them first opportunity they got.

I grew up in a free country thanks to them as have others in the US (which includes Hawaii, as you all know). To have someone claim cultural genocide is occurring is an insult to all those that defended our freedoms, whether they are alive or not. Many sacrificed their lives to allow us to live as we do.

Now I'm just downright insulted (not by you, Pog, I think you get it). Few here seem to understand the sacrifices that were made to make your lives possible, but now hopefully one or more of you will understand the moral bankruptcy the MK protectors will stoop to.
I think it was clear from day one what level the protestors were on. Maybe you didn't know but this whole cultural genocide claim is propagated by the Native Hawaiian programs at the UH's various institutions.
I'm sure this will help:

I'd guess that they don't know the actual meaning of the word.

"the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation."

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