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buldozing referrals
anyone have a good referral for someone who can buldoze an acre parcel selectively, i have blue rock so the work will be more intensive since i want to do more intensive gardening and tree planting.

thanks in advanced for your input.....
also any recommendation for someone who can spread cinders around property?


Another Noel!

I've had great experiences with John's Landclearing (I think the guy's last name is Walker). He's quick and reasonable and does quality work. Pls note that there is a backlog on almost everything related to building. D9 operators are even being offered extra $$$ just to get a project moved up in queue.

Regarding spreading cinders, if you're a bit adventurous and would like to learn a new toy, you can save money by getting Bryson's to deliver the material and renting a bobcat from PunaRentals.

I rented one and spread 7 loads of cinder and soil over a weekend. It was also a lot of fun.

Tip - don't rip every single square foot on the lot, esp if you have ohias. I think that maintaining lava formations and native vegetation in some areas will help create a nice looking property, maintain privacy, and keep the costs down.

Best of luck!

thanks for the input noel, actually i see your postings on konaweb also, i'm noelm on that site.

how do you ask a buldoze guy to try to save certain areas if their equiptment is soo large and difficult to manuever, also in doing that with saving costs in mind? Do they charge per hour, day rate or project.

Will someone train at the rental companies on how to use a bobcat....any places you would recommend that rent weekly in puna?



While I mentioned not ripping the entire lot, you’ll want to ensure that your space needs are met. For a decent house pad and a space for a yard and garden, a good amount of space will need to be cleared by a D9 bulldozer. So, he/she should be able to maneuver the machine in that space.

Regarding cost, folks charge by the hour and also by fixed bid. I’ve worked with fixed bids (around 5-6k for a typical HPP lot). If the lot is loaded with Albezias, that’s a different story. Bids of up to 15k or more for cases like these!

Regarding training on the use of the bobcat, I’m sure PunaRentals and other rental companies can provide a quick tutorial. I had a 5 min review and off I was with the machine. It’s actually very easy to use but start out slow and make sure you use the seat belt and ear protection.

The weekly charge is about 600.


I was wondering if anyone has any positive/negative experience with the following? Or any other recomendations as I will also look into John's Landclearing.

Thanks, Chris

BULLDOZING D-9H available now! Hawaii Excavation Services. Quality work & free estimates. David 756-0346 Gene 443-4182

BULLDOZING/ LANDCLEARING D9H. Free estimates. Hourly rates avail. Up to $1000. 966-8276.

BULLDOZING D9, D8, D3, Backhoe with hammer. Up to $1000. 981-8180,

BULLDOZING Hamakua, Hilo, Puna, Ka’u. Landclearing- landshaping! To $1000. 968-0700, 960-5985.

I guess my posting bout my dozer opertor tory was deleted. HMMMM!
In any case its preposterous to py 5-8 thousand to doze a lot! 3000 should clear a 2 acre lot completely! If you are being charged more your getting ripped off! They charge about 150-175 an hour plus about 200 dollars upfront just to get dozer loaded up and delivered.

frank battaglia
your post frank is on another thread regarding lessons learned...i heard that hourly rates are now $200. i'm planning on being on site when i have my land buldozed since i'm on blue lava and don't want the land just lightly scraped in the areas i want to plant trees.....johns landclearing is four months out so i have to wait awhile for this to be completed.



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