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Eight more TMT protesters arrested on Mauna Kea
knieft said it better than I did.
What knieft said at 09:47:02.

My own perspective is pretty simple. I have no illusions about what some of my ancestors were. I believe in racial equality. I therefore have no illusions about what some of everybody else's ancestors were. Also while I am not religious, the philosophy that we are all sinners has practical merit. We need to get up every day and decide all over again whether we are doing the right thing, knowing that there is a strong built-in bias to do wrong for our own benefit. Now if you get up every morning believing that all your ancestors were saints (and probably royalty) and that you have special dispensation and are owed something because of past injustices, most of which were committed not against you but against previous generations, that is a recipe for seeking revenge, not justice. Add in some magical thinking and voila, you have the ridiculous circus being played out on Mauna Kea.
I'm sure Eva Braun had some positive things to say about her boyfriend. They might even be true from her perspective, but many would beg to differ...
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Originally posted by MarkP

What knieft said at 09:47:02.

My own perspective is pretty simple. I have no illusions about what some of my ancestors were. I believe in racial equality. I therefore have no illusions about what some of everybody else's ancestors were. Also while I am not religious, the philosophy that we are all sinners has practical merit. We need to get up every day and decide all over again whether we are doing the right thing, knowing that there is a strong built-in bias to do wrong for our own benefit. Now if you get up every morning believing that all your ancestors were saints (and probably royalty) and that you have special dispensation and are owed something because of past injustices, most of which were committed not against you but against previous generations, that is a recipe for seeking revenge, not justice. Add in some magical thinking and voila, you have the ridiculous circus being played out on Mauna Kea.

Wow, you and knieft above(I'm only quoting one of the two posts)....have articulated brilliantly the angst so many of us here in Puna experience. Absolutely genius, thanks guys that was cathartic!

As someone who has taken an interest in displaced and maligned cultures currently in exile on the planet, it appears the "plight" and complaints of the mixed race Hawaiians is so inappropriate it borders on group mental illness. Or what the sociological studies of the Big Island describe as a culture in moral decline.

I've tried real hard to be sympathetic, still trying but the only sympathy I feel is for the immaturity and self-centeredness which keeps so many from growing and building character and substance.

Today I am enjoying playing my guitar in Open C.

I'm happy for you. For your ancestor's different tuning, for your taro patch, for your knowing of the ways of publications of the times, and for figuring out a fourth way to dismiss a train of thought (beyond ad hominem, enough is enough, and you just don't get it). Shall we call it the "I'm alright, Jack" defense? Wink

Research ukulele and slack key guitar, dakine. You may conclude that the portagee and mexicanos are as haole as they come...

Nevertheless, I appreciate you trying a new posting methodology. Good on you! Seriously, enjoy the day. We may need to trade goods and/or services in the future


thanks guys that was cathartic!

I may have thrown an overworded bone his way but MarkP scooped it up and buried it.

I agree. Brilliant.

Did we earn our musketeers'thingies (frilly shirts, epaulletes, knee-high leather boots) yet?
Probably the only reason I started posting again was that I wasn't included in the original 3. Kinda hard to take in the scheme of things. Wink I mean it _was_ a candy bar,

And for the record, I believe I implied you were some sort of dog. Wink


So I guess dakine, gypsy69 and Opihikaobob are the 3 Stooges. Nyuk nyuk.
The telescope supporters are legion.
The reality is that TMT has little to do with Puna. Mauna Kea is not visible from the ground in south Puna. Whoever gets hired isn't going to live in Puna due to the commute time. They are only going to be hiring top level employees, the majority needing advanced degrees. That workforce isn't going to come out of Puna La-La-Land. There is an uptick to the local economy with the construction, then the viewing time income but that mostly goes to UHH. UHH spends a lot of that money on conservation and culture degrees. Very little of that trickles down to Puna. For the observatories, finding opposition, will just fall back to their old method: importing crews. Some transplant, some don't.

"Aloha also means goodbye. Aloha!"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*

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