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Hawaiians-Only Election Gets Court Approval
FYI: Na'i Aupuni Candidates Forum / Panaewa, Hawai'i

15 of the 33 Na’i Aupuni ‘aha delegate candidates met with the community on Sunday in Panaewa.

Hawaii Island voters registered through the Kana’iolowalu hawaiian roll can now choose the seven delegates from Moku O Keawe that will attend a future gathering (40 delegates total from all islands and the mainland) that could determine a future course for a native Hawaiian government. The election period began November 1 and will continue through the month of November.

The hour long video above features the complete introductory remarks from all the candidates in attendance. They are (with time into the video):

Joshua Lanakila Mangauil (start)
Desiree Cruz (2:48)
Michalann Rae Trainer (6:16)
Moanikeala Akaka (10:10)
Judy Moa(15:19)
Kahiolani Papalimu (19:48)
Clarence “Ku” Ching (24:50)
Lei Kihoi (29:35)
on behalf of Fred Cachola (34:20)
Faye Hanohano-Kaawaloa (35:40)
Clifford Kapono (41:04)
Kalikookalani Chun (46:14)
Kaipo Dye (51:21)
Katie Kamelamela (56:50)
Amy Kalili (1:01:20)
Pua Ishibashi (1:07:15)
Another community forum is planned for Thursday, November 5, at Kuhio Hale in Waimea starting at 5 p.m.

For a full list of the Hawaiian Island candidates, visit the Na’i Aupuni website.

Mahalo for the link opihikao. It is wonderful that this is happening. I am sorry there hasn't been unanimous consent to the process, but no matter, something has got to happen. As you said, now is the hour. I would love to see each candidate's platform, as in what they hope to be the outcome of the 'Aha. What version of self determination, sovereignty, they will, if elected to be a representative, be favoring. And, how they envision the Hawaiian Nation taking shape, what lands, and how they would be acquired, and administered, they would hope to be included.

My mind races ahead, to think of whole aspects of civil infrastructure, schools, healthcare facilities, communities. So far beyond the first and so important questions being worked out now. It is such an exciting time. And as Paul so wisely observes, we will see. We get to see.
Aloha, dakine, it is quite a task, and at least it's some progress. Yes, it's exciting that we get to witness this effort, in hopes of settling the matter once and for all. Mahalo for your valued opinion.

Of note, here is the link to the Proposed Rule from DOI (*Snipped - Much more at link):

Procedures for Reestablishing a Formal Government-to-Government Relationship with the Native Hawaiian Community

The Secretary of the Interior (Secretary) is proposing an administrative rule to facilitate the reestablishment of a formal government-to-government relationship with the Native Hawaiian community to more effectively implement the special political and trust relationship that Congress has established between that community and the United States.

The proposed rule does not attempt to reorganize a Native Hawaiian government or draft its constitution, nor does it dictate the form or structure of that government. Rather, the proposed rule would establish an administrative procedure and criteria that the Secretary would use if the Native Hawaiiancommunity forms a unified government that then seeks a formal government-to-government relationship with the United States.

Consistent with the Federal policy of indigenous self-determination and Native self-governance, the Native Hawaiian community itself would determine whether and how to reorganize its government.!documentDet...-0005-2438

Have a good evening, all.

Originally posted by opihikao

P.S. MTViewDude: Mahalo for your opinion, but respectfully disagree. We are not a "cult", nor a "tribe". We are a people.


Ophikao, I have debated writing this over the past two days. It's easy for me to vent off steam at the illogic of dakine, gyspsy and pahoated because I feel they are part of the problem. You on the other hand have shown wisdom, even if i don't agree with everything you say.

Disclaimer: I am not excusing anything the American government has done in the past or present, if you want to discuss that, I am more then happy to do so in another thread.

When i say "cult", i am not talking about the Jim Jones drinking the cool-aid type of cult, more along the lines of a cult of personality.

Definition cult
noun: cult; plural noun: cults

1) a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.
2) a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing.
"a cult of personality surrounding the leaders"
synonyms: obsession with, fixation on, mania for, passion for, idolization of, devotion to, worship of, veneration of
"the cult of eternal youth in Hollywood"

Overall, Native Hawaiians have been treated with kid gloves. The United States has done some seriously evil sh** in for their benefit (slavery, trial of tears, Hiroshima, internment camps) and continues to this day (Syria, Iraq, Afganistan).

The reason why I say this not to cr** on the United States, but to show you what this country are capable of in the past and present (not that it is right, but what it is).

If you sit down and actually list what specific acts (not wild hyperbole like they stole the land, or purging the Hawaiian language) the United States (not one or two haole's or some missionaires) has done against Native Hawaiians and compare that to what the royalty of the Hawaiian Kingdom has done to the Hawaiian people, it should be pretty self-evident how gently the Hawaiian people have been treated over the years. I say this not to excuse the United States, but to show you on how bad things could have been if Hawaiians were treated like other countries and races have been treated.

The cult I am referring to, is a excessive admiration of the Hawaii Kingdom and a sense of overwhelming outrage that they have been wronged. That is why I ask, list specifics and not generalities, because outside of Queen, how did life actually change for the rest of the 99.999% of native Hawaiians and what wrongs did they actually suffer. Do they have more or less say, more or less freedom, more or less opportunity, etc.

The reason why I mention this at all, is that native Hawaiians are at a crossroad and not the one you think of. This is where the native Hawaiian movement gets it's voice and direction. For good or ill, this is the direction the feds are going to take it.

The problem is vocal cultish minority are speaking the loudest and are running the show. I would have hoped some of the wise kapuna would step up, but most are silent or those who have, have had their voices drowned out. This, i hope, minority are so wrapped in perceived outrage and unrealistic expectations that any outcome in pretty much doomed to failure.

Think about it honestly. What do you actual see the United States government actually doing and where have their been leading things.

Do you see the US pulling out of hawaii, giving up a huge strategic asset with the ascension of China. It's one thing giving lip service to Hawaii Sovereignty, but do you actually see the US abandoning 900,000 citizens and seizing their property (which wasn't even done by the territory of Hawaii) handing it to handful of anti-US people. Also, think of what the feds have historically offered to other peoples.

The problem will be, nothing will happen. If you go in with unrealistic expectation and a refusal to compromise, you don't usually get what you want. When nothing happens the perceived outrage will grow and fester and things will escalate. When that happens the kid gloves will come off and any hope of anything productive ever happen will be lost.

That's just how I see it. You are welcome to draw your own conclusions.
Aloha, MtViewDude, and mahalo for your thoughtful explanation. I may not agree with all of your statement, however, appreciate the thought process.

Have a great evening!

P.S. Update: Another delegate pulled out of the election today (In Oahu - forgot her name at the moment).

The problem is vocal cultish minority are speaking the loudest and are running the show.

This problem is not unique to "Hawaiian issues", unfortunately.
Originally posted by Punatic007

You seem bright

On this we can agree. [Smile]
I'm old enough to remember when wearing bedsheets and burning crosses was fashionable, so forgive me if I overreact to certain notions. It doesn't sound like you are of that ilk, so no worries, and aloha.
I thought this article, "Countries that Don’t Exist," might provide some ideas for the form an Hawaiian Kingdom/Nation could take based on existing political models around the world.

There are many semi-independent regions in the world, some with a fair amount of autonomy that are not recognized by the UN, or even listed on world maps. Examples include places I never heard of like Atlantium, or Lakotah or vaguely knew existed like Sealand, and Hutt River, as well as the obvious like Scotland. Scotland recently had an election for Independence from Great Britain. Supporters compared themselves to William Wallace (Braveheart, Mel Gibson), but in the end when all the votes were counted Scottish citizens decided to maintain their current relationship with Great Britain as their complete "freedom" came at too great a cost. Many thought they would lose more than they would gain.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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