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dengue fever could be here to stay
if we could somehow eliminate mosquitoes from Puna.

If only it were up to us, who live here and pay for the privilege.

Cue "government sucks" ... well, the "one size fits all" obviously doesn't, State needs to either step up all the way or cut us loose entirely. Centralized everything makes no sense for a discontiguous "state": Big Island frontier problems are very different from the first-world outpost that is Oahu.

Dengue fever is just the latest example of "we have no idea how it got there (nor do we care)". Enough already?
Perhaps the intelligent and wise politicians who stepped up to the plate to oppose GMO's in food, are afraid, thinking GMO's in one field open up all GMO's? Whatever the reason, get over it and bring in an appropriate use of GMO's. Hello Russell, are you reading?
"The idea of the release of a modified male to cause a collapse in the breeding cycle of an insect is not new here. As far back as the 80s the Department of Ag was promoting the use of sterilized male fruit flies to eradicate the Medfly. As attractive as it all sounds I do not think it is a cure all. Note that the Medfly is still with us."

What was actually done in an attempt to eradicate the medfly? Just curious.
Aedes aegypti seems to be a vector for more serious diseases as well ...Brazil is suffering an outbreak of Zika also spread by Aedes...

"Zika is transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, also known to carry the yellow fever, dengue and chikungunya viruses.
The ministry said Zika had become a serious risk to public health and that Brazil must embark on an emergency programme to control the Aedes aegypti mosquito to prevent the virus's spread."

Brazil and Dengue:

edit - added Dengue link

After almost 3 months, we made the national media.

CDC is bringing traps and "expertise".
The CD map of Dengue cases on the island has been updated. It says as of 11/30. Over the last map, which was dated 11/20, it appears that the growing numbers of confirmed cases we are getting daily represent more of an expansion of the already established clusters verses spreading out into other areas of the island. There are however new cases (seen in yellow indicating they are under investigation) in areas between the clusters but their numbers are lower than the growth rate of both suspected and confirmed cases that appear to be occurring where there already are known cases. And although Kona is still the largest concentration of the disease, Puna is not insignificant.

The CD maps is available on their alert page at:

IMO the most significant point, from a comparison of the 11/20 and the 11/30 maps, is the number of suspected cases that came up as confirmed negative.
US Navy put on standby to help the Dengue fever outbreak? What in the world is the Navy gonna do?
What in the world is the Navy gonna do?
Sounds like they would be called in to help with spraying, but storming the beaches at Hookena to break the dengue stronghold would make for better press.
What in the world is the Navy gonna do?
Take shore leave? [Big Grin]

I wonder how many cases it would take for CDC to be "critical" of the "effort"?

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