01-21-2016, 04:12 AM
$300k to do all of the roads in HPP
$2M - 300K leave $1.7M for HPP to build their own park, right?
$2M - 300K leave $1.7M for HPP to build their own park, right?
01-21-2016, 04:12 AM
$300k to do all of the roads in HPP
$2M - 300K leave $1.7M for HPP to build their own park, right?
01-21-2016, 07:57 AM
Prior to the board mtg, I learned that the new ofc girl (approx. 2 wks on the job) was fired. No details. There was a good turn out last evening.
Here are some highlights from 20 Jan 2016 board mtg which ended shortly after 8PM and went into exec session. The President said he will have a President's msg in the annual update that will be included with our road fee bill. Also included with the billings will be a questionnaire/approval form to members about the need to have our physical address on the park mailboxes. Currently our bylaws have a privacy provision, hence the form we'll be receiving w/our bills. The board is looking to add more mail boxes in the park and the postmaster would like the physical addresses to be included. A board member said that a subdivision in Pahoa has already started this program. The Treasurer reported what our total balance is in all our accounts and what our receivables are. She said that the audit will be posted on line shortly. The info has been given to the volunteer who will post it. The treasurer also reported that we don't need to replace the server. Physical cleaning will get things in good running order. The GM said keys will be replaced for all of our facilities. He gave his usual report of the work done in HPP during the past month. He said that all work orders should be taken care of in 2-3 wks time and that no one request is more important than another. A board rep followed up w/a request she made on her road's easement being difficult to mow which got a chuckle out of some in the peanut gallery. One member has to have a culvert put into their easement because of the serious flooding and the existing "pond". It's been an ongoing issue for some time now and the GM did say it would get taken care of very soon. I have a big hole in my easement but thankfully no pond. A board member reported that the annual updates are being printed right now and will be ready to go by Friday. Another board member reported that the County Council accepted the park plan, so there will be a park in HPP. The road assessment committee has met. The VP's on this committee along w/the secretary and a lot owner. Their plan is to assess all the businesses in HPP and their road usage. Heavy equipment traffic, traffic associated w/schools, tour companies, nurseries and so on. They will be assessed different fees than the norm but don't have a plan in place yet as to how they will assess each business. A member spoke in owner input later and stated that a trip system wasn't discussed to assess the traffic and should be, and to be careful in how they proceed. That this is why this "assessment" idea has come and gone a few times in the past. There is a lot more to this than they may realize. The Emergency Action Committee is very well prepared and has been working w/CERT and Civil Defense. The Community Action Committee is progressing very well with their community plan. Details were given. The HRC oddly gave a report that seemed more of an employee "update". The delinquent funds girl is out due to an emergency and will be gone for a few wks (I believe that was the timeframe) and the bookkeeper loves her work and is doing a good job. No word on whether a road supv was hired to replace the terminated one. Rumor is someone was hired w/in. If so, did they hire someone to replace that road crew? No mention of the firing of the ofc girl. The playground equip is arriving in a couple of weeks. A tether ball will be included for the older kids. The committee decided fencing around the playground is necessary. The fencing is still in the research stage. They're looking for volunteers to help w/the future playground and fencing installation. A location has been picked out and a diagram was given to the board for approval. The fire ant workshop is ongoing. The next one is 27 Feb from 9-11 AM, I believe in the library. The Nominating Committee requested permission to mail out solicitations for board candidates to lot owners who live in Volcano etc. This is normal procedure. The deadline for candidate applications is March 18. Also requested was GM assistance in hanging nominating committee banners. Apparently he has been asked before. During owner input: One lot owner reported that she was denied audit info when she went to the ofc. The ofc girl told her the VP and GM told her not to release the information. The member went on to say she has gotten the audit info every year since she's lived in HPP and this is the first time she has been denied it. The member went on to say she was told she could come back in 5 days to pick up the info and that it will cost $2 a page (17 pages) and the total cost would be $34. The cost was discussed by the board, and the Pres said our policies need to be looked at and amended if necessary first, as he thinks he's seen a policy that quoted this amount for copying. The lot owner also stated that the VP has never been appointed to the FC by the board so all her votes from June 2015 are null and void. That the board can't ratify illegal activity taken by board members (per Robert's Rules of Order) including the issue w/the VP not being a bonafide FC member. Another member served the board w/a pending arbitration notice. A few legal people were involved in writing up the cover letter and report of 6 violations w/the applicable violated bylaws. He stated that once the arbitration is filed by the involved members, the board will be in an arbitration process. Along with each violation is a demand of enforcement on the board member involved and other measures required to resolve each violation. To avoid the pricey arbitration expense to all association members, he asked that the board sit down with the members involved to find a resolution first. He said THEY WILL LOSE (per their legal consultation) and they have all the appropriate documents to back the violations. He reiterated that it'd be best to sit down and talk first. A member got up and stated that the acct a member had made at July's board mtg about the incident on her road between her partner and the RTSC was inaccurate and that she wasn't present during the incident. She went on to ask the GM about chip seal since he left out details during his report, other than chip seal will start on a test road in Feb. Is it going to be done by a contractor or in house, where's the test road and how long will it be tested? Another item was the status of the illegal driveway going up off Kaloli and 16th, rock columns almost done and the GM was notified over 4 months ago. The board was reminded that we have a driveway bylaw and enforcement. If they don't enforce it, they'll have a monkey see monkey do situation on their hands. None of the questions were answered. One board member attempted and the Pres motioned him to stop. The board agreed FINALLY after 4-5 mos, to research the costs of outsourcing the striping of our main drags and installing reflectors. All it took was another member (thank you!) other than the former RTSC Chair to ask. Thank you Ruth for making the motion and getting the ball rolling..so good news for all. Someone asked the board to include our feeder roads in the motion as it was left out. The VP stated "spot bots!" for the motion incorrectly. They're called reflectors, or RPM's as the former GM used to call them. The former RTSC chair asked the board to include costs for replacing the white reflectors on the corners of all our intersections. (A former board member suggested this back in 2010/2011 and it really helps us find the intersections at night.) Another member who's on the FC got choked up during owner input when speaking about the FC mess. She was adamant that her interpretation of the bylaws is correct. Her interpretation is "her interpretation". This is why arbitration is in order. The Pres did a good job IMO in running the meeting last night.
01-21-2016, 08:12 AM
I lived on a gravel farm road in the midwest for years and the county came around and did the chip/seal thing right over the existing gravel. They simply graded it and then applied it. Worked just fine holding up to freezing/thawing cycles and massive farm machinery driving over it.
Different circumstances Leilanidude. The websites aren't over analyzing it and blowing it out of proportion...it's there in black and white and shows professionals w/a DOT consultant at hand on a flat road. Every road in HPP is unique and has it's own issues, or not. An engineer should be involved IMO to get professional results. As previously stated, the board isn't transparent so don't know if one's involved.
01-21-2016, 08:22 AM
Their plan is to assess all the businesses in HPP and their road usage. Heavy equipment traffic, traffic associated w/schools, tour companies, nurseries and so on. They will be assessed different fees
Park construction, park maintenance, park visitors...?
01-21-2016, 08:35 AM
Not HPP's park, but oh so timely and relevant...
http://www.westhawaiitoday.com/opinion/c...-pure-sham Residents know it will threaten the safety of our children and destroy our village's quiet, rural lifestyle. A responsible county administration considers how an ambitious undertaking, like a regulation ball park, would affect traffic and roads for the next 20 to 30 years. But Komata shirked responsibility by saying that traffic was not under the purview of parks and rec.
01-21-2016, 09:04 AM
I lived on a gravel farm road in the midwest for years and the county came around and did the chip/seal thing right over the existing gravel.
I forgot to note Leilanidude, that is the major difference. The county did the job. They had engineering specialists involved. We have a GM and a small inexperienced road crew..that's if they're doing it in house...still don't know who's doing the work. We're in the dark. I beg to differ that I'm over analyzing our situation.
01-21-2016, 12:36 PM
The road committee has not decided on anything. We are just starting our research.
01-21-2016, 02:49 PM
You could just drive down to Vacationland and look at the chip and seal roads in our farmlots section. Our main entrance road ,Kapoho Kai Drive , is chip and seal and it was done on red cinder.It has been re-done as a maintenance measure.
01-22-2016, 03:56 AM
Obie, I asked you awhile back whether your roads are flat. We have over 130 miles of road descending from the highway to the ocean... I don't know how many miles of it are asphalt. But we have lots of roads that have constant ruts and potholes. When it rains we have areas w/water runoff that travels across or down on the humpy roads. Some of that rainwater is coming down from the highway.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that these variables make a difference in how each road should be approached w/chip seal. The result will only be as good as the foundation it's laid on, which requires a decent engineer and an experienced professional. I believe our GM's experience is in building houses. He has only spoke of building but we haven't heard whether he has any experience w/"roads". Our road crew's experience is in cutting grass and filling potholes, which is what they were hired to do. I know every subdivision has their road issues and some have worse issues than ours. But they don't have a majority board hot to trot to lay chip seal down. If it weren't for concerned members it'd be laid down by now and possibly by the contractor who's currently being sued by Orchidland. It's logical for some of us to be concerned w/the lack of transparency that still is going on. All we know is that they've overturned what the membership voted for. They have opportunity to say more, but don't.
01-22-2016, 04:14 AM
every subdivision has their road issues and some have worse issues than ours. But they don't have a majority board
Nor do they have a budget of $2M/year in mandatory fees. Given HPP's example, I'm not sure pavement is even worth it. |
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