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“Fire! Little Fire Ants in Hawaii”
Since we know DLNR is worthless and a proven conspiracy against all haole trying to move to Hawaii, plus trying to poison the haoles that made it here, this site is probably completely fake and a fraud like all Hawaii state government sites. It says Hawaii island is the source of fire ants and is the only island infested with them. We know this is a lie since only the purest, most gentle, kindly, good, conscientious, environmentally-friendly malihini ever make it here, so it had to be some native Hawaiians that smuggled them here to make the life of malihini kamaaina-wannabe miserable.

"Aloha also means goodbye. Aloha!"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Originally posted by macuu222

An article in todays news about fire ants and how they are wreaking havoc in Kona.

I guess it's finally a bonafide problem now that the genteel westside is officially infested.
"After she showered, extreme discomfort persisted for more than a week — signs of trauma evident across her skin in the form of pronounced welts. She did a little digging online and the culprits soon became clear: Little Fire Ants. And there’s little sign they’re letting up in West Hawaii."

That is an extreme reaction.

"The tiny terrors pack a painful sting, causing welts that may last for weeks, and also damage fields and farms, promoting the persistence of plant pests by insulating them from parasites and natural predators."

Lasting for weeks? That's exaggerating. From Columbia University site: "In other instances, the LFA has been purposefully introduced by humans. For example, LFAs were intentionally transported between cacao (Theobroma cacao) plantations in Cameroon to biologically control pest insects, particularly Miridae (Hemiptera)."

"One bait favored throughout the Big Island is TANGO, an insect growth regulator that sterilizes queens, hindering re-population efforts."

TANGO is not a bait, in fact it's probably a repellent. One has to add it to a specific recipe and use disciplined application or else the ants won't go near it.

ETA: formatting / drama
We've had KFA do our place, and so have our neighbors on one side. The other neighbor used some other poison on their own. It's great being able to go out and work on our place without the little #$!**%'s biting us. When I got bit, it hurt for 30-45 minutes, then the pain dropped off. They were worse on my wife.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
Originally posted by terracore
Lasting for weeks? That's exaggerating.

The first time I got bitten by LFAs, I had 50-100 bites, and the welts DID last for weeks. A pest expert at the USDA confirmed they were LFA bites, and said that one ant can hold on and bite several times in a ring. He showed me a few instances of that on my skin.

When I get a single LFA bite, the annoyance lasts for 10 minutes or so.

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There are cost effective GMO biological solutions to coqui frogs, fire ants and other rapidly reproducing vermin with short life cycles. Introduce terminator genes into their genome and release the modified organisms by air. Over time, more and more of the vermin will be sterile and unable to reproduce. At some point there will be few enough of them that eradication becomes possible.

Unfortunately GMO solutions to pest control are not politically and ideologically acceptable, and enduring the vermin is the path of least resistance.

OK. Enjoy.


You can't fix Samsara.
GMO solutions to pest control are not politically and ideologically acceptable

Not even for dengue, or zika, or whatever the next one turns out to be.
Breaking News! The Punatics were right. There is a fire ant conspiracy, chemtrails are not only in the sky! Them! Them! The liberals. It is the government behind it, just as suspected all these decades.
Fire Ants Are Being Laced with Homosexual Chemtrails to Bite Christians And Convert Them To Homosexuality

*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
[quote]Originally posted by pahoated

Breaking News! The Punatics were right. There is a fire ant conspiracy, chemtrails are not only in the sky! Them! Them! The liberals. It is the government behind it, just as suspected all these decades.
Fire Ants Are Being Laced with Homosexual Chemtrails to Bite Christians And Convert Them To Homosexuality

Now this is why I joined Punaweb! Where else am I gonna find the straight truth?
a pretty big difference between texas fire ants and LFA.

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