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HPP mailbox vote
You really can't accurately gauge owner's acceptance of the status quo here.

Actually, I can. It's quite simple. Owners are tolerating the HPPOA circus, and supporting it with their "mandatory" dues payments. If there were no circus, there would be no forum threads about the antics thereof, yet here we are.

neighbor/owner friends in Oahu, Maine, Washington and. beyond

Absentee owners are part of the problem, they can't meaningfully participate in the circus parade -- which is just fine by County, because an HPP full of residents demanding services (that they're paying for) would be a nightmare (for County).
As with everything the board does, there are those of us who want the board to handle HPP business according to our bylaws and policies. That's always what it's been about and nothing more.

The board shouldn't deflect and blame others' reaction when they acted prematurely. The board handled the mailbox project irresponsibly and unprofessionally bottom line, there's no skirting the issue. They are still handling it irresponsibly and unprofessionally, and appears illegally as well. I've not yet rec'd a letter saying they are retracting on the demand for payment, and neither has 8,799 members.

There were thousands who weren't in attendance at the membership mtg. The video may not get posted on the website bc it would be proof that they acted illegally. NO business should have been conducted, all business is null and void. Prob can't edit it either to just show the mailbox power pt bc the former rep who was speaking on the mailbox info blew up again at a member during his talk...

I was encouraged to reread the mailbox ballot/demand for payment or be assessed 25% late fee on top of $150 after June it the board states, "In order to implement the Mail Box Special Assessment per our Bylaws Article XI Assessments Sec 8 Special Assessments we will need to receive affirmative majority of mail-in vote of not less than 600 members in good standing."

The board failed to quote the entire Sec 8 of Article XI which IMO changes the intent of the bylaw.....I've already posted this Bylaw Article previously on this thread but may warrant another look now that the excitement has died down...... Here is the entire section...

Section 8. Special Assessments. "In addition to the annual mandatory road maintenance assessment, per Sec 2, above, the Association may make special assessments for any road maintenance costs only upon the affirmative majority of mail-in vote of not less than 600 members in good standing. Any ballot for special assessments shall include the terms of payment and specify an effective date."

Even if they wanted to use Sec 3 of same Article XI to justify mailbox assessment, it still says...

Section 3 Compensation for use of Non-Road Maintenance Assets. The road maintenance funds are restricted funds and shall be used exclusively for road maintenance activities. A portion of road maintenance funds shall be exclusively used to compensate the Association General Fund for the use of the Association's non-road maintenance assets for road maintenance purposes. The amount of compensation shall be determined annually by the board and shall not exceed 5% of road maintenance funds collected in any given year.

Conclusion: ROAD MAINT/ROAD MAINT ACTIVITIES = MAILBOXES IS NOT ROAD MAINTENANCE. The board solicited and misled the membership under false pretenses by failing to quote the entire Sec 8 on their ballot/demand for payment correspondence. Therefore IMO that makes accepting the $$$ and votes illegal.

What are they intending to do w/the $$$ they've received? Whether they receive 600 votes and a majority vote for mailbox assessment, it's still illegal as per Article XI Sec 8.

The board needs to get back to their jobs of maintaining our roads and easements. IMO their priorities are upside down. Currently the board's priority list appears to be this in proper sequence:
1) Chip Seal 2) Chip Seal 3) Mailboxes 4) Bond 5) Easement Maintenance 6) Road Maintenance 7) Road Safety.

Therefore, the mailbox project should be handled by a membership committee.

It does make me wonder whether the board intentionally omitted vital information on the mailbox bill. I believe if they included the whole bylaw people would've questioned the validity of it from the onset. I think the board should return the money and scrap the votes since they gave all of us false information.
The circus will continue so long as these roads remain "privately owned".

Maybe some of you will recall this discussed at the recent membership mtg....According to the mailbox committee, there are a lot of mailboxes assigned to people who don't live in HPP. Now this is a project the board/mailbox committee can work on w/the USPS that doesn't cost any of OUR $$$, or take any member votes and is legal board action. Are they going to work w/the USPS and get this straightened out? That would seem the first order of the day in freeing up some mailboxes for HPP members.

Who owns the current mailboxes that are occupied by outsiders, HPPOA or USPS?
USPS owns them. I would think HPP ofc would have to compare their master list of lot owners vs the USPS's list.

What is "a lot of mailboxes?" Is it enough to even put a dent in the shortage?

If these "outsiders" are not entitled to have these boxes, how did they get them in the first place?

If they ARE entitled to have them, then what is your argument for taking them away?
I'm using the exact words (a lot of mailboxes) the board reported to us at the membership mtg. They would be best to ask that question...maybe your district rep? The board didn't say, nor did anyone at the membership mtg ask how outsiders got the boxes. I have no argument...just saying that if there are people who aren't entitled bc they don't own in HPP, then it makes sense to give the mailboxes to people who do. That would be the board's job via the HPP ofc to work w/the USPS on this problem. This action wouldn't break any HPP bylaws, or require members $$$ or a membership vote...and help members get mailboxes...that was my point.

That would be the board's job via the HPP ofc to work w/the USPS on this problem.

I thought the original problem was that the Board refused to "do their job"?

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