10-13-2017, 07:26 AM
[quote]Originally posted by Cheerio
I've been off this forum for awhile but lurking again as we make headway to return to the BI and buy a lot in Puna next month. I'm reluctant to repost the same old questions all the dreamers come here to ask but in searching old topics can't seem to find this exact Q. So here goes:
we're planning on being owner-builders (yeah yeah it will probably be a headache and end up in divorce but please no nay-saying but my husband was told by someone in the planning dept. that owner-builders can only build up to 600 sq. feet. This seems crazy and I know sometimes folks in the planning department (and, cough, other Hawaiian state-run agencies) will plum just make stuff up.... obviously this is true but if it's the case that knocks out the ability to buy in some neighborhoods with minimum size requirements (of which we could actually afford - HSRE, Leilani, Nanawale). Can anyone confirm if this is true? I keep getting booted off the line when I call the planning dept myself, and wading through the PDFs online is making my head swim.
Thanks in advance!
I went to Argus Building Supply and bought a package deal. I also submitted my plans for a 600sq ft house, it has been approved. I have a licensed plumber and electrician, solar person. I have a builder and an excavator who did the septic and that was approved by the health dept. My costs without land purchase to build and finish this home will be under $50,000. I am doing my own electric/solar my friend is licensed to inspect and stamp off as he is an engineer. This is because I have friends in the right places. I have a master list of people I have hired. Prices are according to what you are having done so it will differ in all categories.
I've been off this forum for awhile but lurking again as we make headway to return to the BI and buy a lot in Puna next month. I'm reluctant to repost the same old questions all the dreamers come here to ask but in searching old topics can't seem to find this exact Q. So here goes:
we're planning on being owner-builders (yeah yeah it will probably be a headache and end up in divorce but please no nay-saying but my husband was told by someone in the planning dept. that owner-builders can only build up to 600 sq. feet. This seems crazy and I know sometimes folks in the planning department (and, cough, other Hawaiian state-run agencies) will plum just make stuff up.... obviously this is true but if it's the case that knocks out the ability to buy in some neighborhoods with minimum size requirements (of which we could actually afford - HSRE, Leilani, Nanawale). Can anyone confirm if this is true? I keep getting booted off the line when I call the planning dept myself, and wading through the PDFs online is making my head swim.
Thanks in advance!
I went to Argus Building Supply and bought a package deal. I also submitted my plans for a 600sq ft house, it has been approved. I have a licensed plumber and electrician, solar person. I have a builder and an excavator who did the septic and that was approved by the health dept. My costs without land purchase to build and finish this home will be under $50,000. I am doing my own electric/solar my friend is licensed to inspect and stamp off as he is an engineer. This is because I have friends in the right places. I have a master list of people I have hired. Prices are according to what you are having done so it will differ in all categories.
"Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love" RUMI