Originally posted by reni
"There was a time that people could decipher intent, a human art in communication that has seemingly vacated the abilities of far too many people these days."
Wow! Wao nahele kane! Is that the problem? People have lost the art of deciphering intent?
I just assumed they were brainwashed by divisive political tactics.
Whatever reason, it's condescending and mean spirited to assume the worst of others. Here we are on this thread discussing some perceived racial slight delivered by our mayor and look at the title of it "racist Grandpa". I can remember when "colored" was not considered a derogatory description and I can also remember when "grandpa" was an endearing title.
My family moved to the Hawaiian Islands close to 50 years ago....."5" "0"........our friends and family run the gamut of ethnic backgrounds. If the word police contribute to anything here, it will be to the detriment of our Aloha spirit.
You're 100% correct. That said, simply pointing out the source (in this case, the educational system) isn't enough to garner the understanding that's within the underlying flaw within the behaviour.
Kids with low self esteem are easy targets for teaching this socially undermining behaviour. It's particularly attractive to such students because it gives them a way to strike back at others while lifting themselves up amongst their peers. This leads to peer acceptance and reassurance within the practicing group.
There's no doubt a group of very devious minded social engineers are patting themselves on the back for it's successful introduction into society. The fact it's here, and accepted by some, here in the land of Aloha, not cool.
The other problem, it's merely one facet of a multi faceted attack on our domestic tranquility. I don't like seeing any if it out here, it will lead to sort of civil unrest we now see across the mainland and Western Europe.
I could go on but that would drag the topic into global politics and it sounds as if there are plenty if people who already have a handle on all that.
Therefore, I'll spare delving any deeper into the topic for the benefit of the forum creators intent.