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Pu'u O'o inflation
A month after the initial outbreak and the USGS is starting to discuss the possibility that Pu`oo is pau and Leilani perhaps is the new main vent. This has huge implications for not only Puna but Hilo as well. For an event that could last years, I don't think we can even foresee all the possible ramifications.
Singularly the fastest growing area in all of Hawaii, Lower Puna could potentially be reclaimed by Pele. Condolences and prayers for all of those affected.

Originally posted by kapaauguy

A month after the initial outbreak and the USGS is starting to discuss the possibility that Pu`oo is pau and Leilani perhaps is the new main vent. This has huge implications for not only Puna but Hilo as well. For an event that could last years, I don't think we can even foresee all the possible ramifications.
Singularly the fastest growing area in all of Hawaii, Lower Puna could potentially be reclaimed by Pele. Condolences and prayers for all of those affected.


Hmmmmmm...I noticed your name...

Source for your statement?
Puna: Our roosters crow first
I hope this doesn't violate any rules here. This is a link to Youtube video where a USGS spokesman states the Leilani vent is it's own eruption and not an extension of Kilauea. He also states the lava's chemistry is similar to Kilauea's and that although there are no absolutes, there is no activity at Kilauea aside from what appears to be the crater collapsing upon itself.
Im searching for another similar video where the question was asked outright whether Leilani is the new Kilauea. The spokesman for USGS stated there are no definitive answers but that the events occurring suggest that it is a possibility.
I no longer live in Kapaau. I live on Molokai and its fricken awesome here. I still own a lot in Upper Puna though and have spent lots of time in Puna. An amazing place.

They're saying it's a separate eruption as opposed to an extension of the Puu Oo eruption. Kilauea is the whole mountain, all the way from the summit caldera to Kapoho and down the southwest rift zone to the Great Crack.
Sorry, my bad. Should have said Puu`oo vs. Kilauea as you are correct.


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