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Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway
I have been reading this thread with interest.

The problem is much deeper that using Roundup to spray and control weeds.

The use of Roundup with herbicide resistant crops ( HRC)such as soybeans, corn etc whereby crops are sprayed with Roundup to kill weeds but the crop survives. These crops are genetically altered ; they are able to withstand how Roundup kills weeds by inhibiting enzyme that interferes with protein production so that weed dies. Ok, so plants have this enzyme but animals and humans do not have this enzyme pathway THEREFORE Roundup is perfectly safe to use ( Monsanto, FDA) ...HOWEVER bacteria do use the pathway that roundup interferes what difference does that make?

Well, the trillions of beneficial bacteria in our gut that are now known to be critical for physical and mental health MAY be killed by the roundup ready crops we are eating or foods that contain high fructose corn syrup made from roundup resistant corn. I don't know the evidence studies ( I don't have the time or the inclination to look for these) but the evolving literature being reported in non scientific media quickly convinces me that there is mounting evidence to suggest ,at least, that more studies are needed before we claim upmost safety of Roundup. Of course the question that begs to be answered is why wasn't the studies done before Roundup was released, isn't that how it is supposed to work?

These are not crops that we have been eating for hundreds of years so we know all the health effects, Roundup ready corn, I believe( would have to look up exact year), was introduced around 1996, a mere 22 years ago.....

I always go back to cigarette smoking; how makers of cigarettes and their supporters claimed that cigarettes were perfectly safe. Until they weren't.

Will Roundup be found to be perfectly safe or detrimental to human health, only persistence and time will tell.
Ok gosh I really didn't think I would be back on today but just one more thing before I log off. And I think it's because of you Paul. I love your posts the most. Really get me thinking and that is fun to me.

PaulW said, " countries that have supposedly banned roundup and what a surprise, it’s not true. E.g. France, Germany, Holland.
Please back up your “facts” when you post them, with *reputable* websites."

Was wondering if you can provide links that show evidence contrary to what I posted in my links? You know, the scientific way as was stated in the past.

Also: PaulW said, "What 500 million votes? This is why I said *reputable* websites.
Europe is not a country, something Ecowatch doesn’t seem to realize."

Gosh you mean you cannot believe everything you read on the web? Uh oh I better return that hair growth formula and "man formula" pills. [:p]

So Europe is not a country, gee really?
But the countries that comprise Europe make a Union and because it's multi-national, it's considered bunk, and dismissed?

Can you please provide any proof that the site I used as an example link, isn't "reputable"?

Edited to add reply this extra reply:

"I always go back to cigarette smoking; how makers of cigarettes and their supporters claimed that cigarettes were perfectly safe. Until they weren't.

Will Roundup be found to be perfectly safe or detrimental to human health, only persistence and time will tell."

Not just cigarettes, lets go to something directly more relevant:
There are LOTS of chemicals that our government used to tell us were "safe" to use but since have been recalled with a "whoops, our bad, those chemicals are not considered safe anymore, our condolences to your lost loved ones as a result".

And you are right on track with the gmo corn thing. That's what roundup is all about. They made gmo corn that was inedible. Yup, now lets just cross that variety of corn with one that is edible and the result would be a corn that you can now eat but just has a "bit" of the inedibility gene in it. That way we can roundup the **** out of the crop and harvest 100% of it and make a ton more money selling it to the public. And the inedible corn? Let's make ethanol out of it and run our cars, also lets throw a bit of that ethanol into liquor and other products consumed by the public.
If you make claims then you have to back them up, it’s not for me to disprove. Maybe you’ll learn something!

The European parliament voting on this issue is merely advice, which the actual countries may feel free to ignore. Which they did.

A website called “ecowatch” might be somewhat biased, don’t you think?
Ah I see Paul. As I thought no links to disprove mine and no evidence whatsoever. Just mouth. Toodloo
If you make claims then you have to back them up, it's not for me to disprove.

The recent GET increase is a gift. Mayor Kim said so.
There's a Pizza Hut on the Moon. Prove me wrong. See how this works?

I did look it up and as I said neither Germany, nor France nor Holland have banned Roundup. Research it for yourself and maybe you'll learn the difference between reputable and propaganda websites. Or don't, doesn't matter to me. Have a great Sunday otherwise.
There's a Pizza Hut on the Moon.

I don’t think anyone on Punaweb cares whether it’s true.
We just want to know, do they use green cheese as a topping, and offer delivery to HPP, Orchidland, & the Acres? Or just as far as Kalapana Star Sanctuary?
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Not to my end of HPP, or has that policy changed in the last 5 years.
I see McD's is pushing its "We Deliver!" message at the World Cup, I wonder if that applies to the one in Keaau.
I laugh at your posts Paul. The absurdity makes it funny.

Here, directly from your mouth: "If you make claims then you have to back them up, it’s not for me to disprove. Maybe you’ll learn something!"

What the hell are you talking about? What claims? I started this thread pointing out an Historic lawsuit that is currently underway in Sanfransisco, the people vs. Monsanto.

Is that a claim?

Then we talk about what we could do instead when people ask what to use in Roundups place if Monsanto loses the suit and I'm sure to add that it's my opinion and talk about old wold farming.

Is that a claim?

Then I post links from the internet after reading. Links about other countries banning the substance and links about why.

Still no claims and then you say my links are bunk.

I ask you to post a counter-link to disprove it and you cannot.

You see Paul there are no claims.

It seems you are just here for the sake of argument and I am being pulled down to your level. But that's okay because I can laugh at it. Laugh at your logic.

Bye bye
After the mass starvations and the culling of the (now useless) intellectuals, Earth will be a green paradise of subsistence farming! Until the next killer asteroid wipes out our single planet civilization.

We need to spread across the stars to perpetuate our species, even if it means generations of suffering and sacrifice and round-up reflux. Whatever it takes to keep the light of human consciousness burning in the cosmos.

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