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Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway
You provided a list of ENTIRE countries that have banned Roundup. Your list is nonsense. Where did you get it from?
That is your ridiculous claim. Back it up. If I had to disprove every bit of nonsense I saw on the web I wouldn't have time to swim in my pool!

As far as I can tell NO country has banned Roundup. Since you seem to be acting on the assumption that many countries have banned it therefore it must be dangerous then maybe your whole approach is wrong and (gasp!) maybe it's not as bad as you think.

Glad to have cleared that up.

Let me make it easy it for you. Just give a link showing that France has banned it. From a reputable website. Then I'll knock it down.

ETA: I have no doubt of your good intentions to make the world a better place. I just think you're going the wrong way about it.
Isn't the thread title a claim?
Hi there Randomq. Yes the thread title is a claim but that is the basis of the lawsuit. Not my lawsuit. Not my claim. - Although I certainly believe it to be legitimate.

Here is one site that shows countries and what they did to ban or regulate glycophosphates:
randomq @12:46:06 07/01/2018-
But a bit too much not only for this forum and thread and for our allegedly intelligent species too.
But wait! Maybe Kai Kahele, Donovan Dela Cruz and OHA have a plan!
Oh- wait, forget about it- they are trying to shut down even astronomy, much less even thought
of traveling to new worlds to preserve our and maybe some other species from Earth.
Not to mention our current economic disaster in Hawai'i County.
Through Harry Kim, we and the County Employees got our "gift" from the County though.
Maybe Kai Kahele, Donovan Dela Cruz and OHA have a plan!

They do. Problem is, it's their plan for themselves.

Legal roundup: long-term bonus for all affected County workers (mostly Parks and Public Works).

Illegal roundup: massive County hiring to hand-cut all those weeds.

Either option is easily financed with more tax increases.
"EW, I checked a few of those ENTIRE countries that have supposedly banned roundup and what a surprise, it’s not true. E.g. France, Germany, Holland.
Please back up your “facts” when you post them, with *reputable* websites.

With respect, PaulW, you've now made your own claim and asking you to back that up is a legitimate request. I'm curious to know the reason why you refuse to support your own claims. The scientific method doesn't include saying "you're wrong", it includes providing evidence why something is wrong.
Thanks Tom, it felt like me vs. an angry mob with pitch forks and torches with my back against the wall for a little while.

My intention here when I started this thread was to raise awareness of the People. That is all!

I'm guessing many individuals out here had no idea such a lawsuit was taking place on the west coast right now?

My line of thinking was maybe if people second guess before using it, or take more precautions while using it. Maybe through such efforts someone's dad or brother or sister, etc. who doesn't wear a mask while using it or uses it too much, can change their life styles and possibly avoid the alleged kidney disease or non-Hodgkins lymphoma or worse.

I guess anyone who tries this type of awareness-raising, and bucks the system a bit can always run into a malicious P.W. type troll who's aim is to derail and disrupt such an effort.

These kinds of lawsuits can take weeks, months or even more though with all the depositions, medical documents, tons of paperwork, and hundreds of plaintiffs. I'll check back in a month or so with this to re-post if any breakthrough changes take place.
Aloha and mahalo nui.
My line of thinking was maybe if people second guess before using it, or take more precautions while using it.

That's true.
Many people don't follow the directions provided right on the label of a product, or use a device as intended and with common sense.

For instance, do you set out rat bait in a manner that is not accessible to a neighbor's cat or dog? Does your teenager use earbuds at a reasonable volume so they won't experience hearing loss? Do people drive their car drunk, too fast, or tailgate?

All of these products can be used safely if used properly. I apply Roundup wearing long pants, shoes, and a mask. I wouldn't want to use it every day though, or even once a week.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
long pants, shoes, and a mask

Tyvek suits are cheap at Farm Co-op. Afterwards, I rinse off in the outdoor shower, suit and all.
"What’s been overlooked is that the classification that IARC assigned glyphosate—a "2A, Probably carcinogenic to humans”—is the same classification the organization gave to grapefruit juice, fruits (including apples), and working the night shift. At least glyphosate didn’t rate a “1, carcinogenic to humans,” so it’s not as dangerous as sunlight, sunlamps, oral contraceptives, Chinese style salted fish and alcoholic beverages, among a long list."

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