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Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway
Probably carcinogenic to humans”—is the same classification... to grapefruit juice, fruits (including apples), and working the night shift.

The next time I spray Round up at night, then sit down afterward with a snack of Chinese style salted fish and alcoholic beverages, I'm definitely wearing a Tyvek suit.

I alternate between thinking of the planet as home — dear and familiar stone hearth and garden — and as a hard land of exile in which we are all sojourners. Today I favor the latter view. The word “sojourner”... invokes a nomadic people’s sense of vagrancy, a praying people’s knowledge of estrangement, a thinking people’s intuition of sharp loss: “For we are strangers before thee, and sojourners, as were all our fathers: our days on the earth are as a shadow, and there is none abiding.” - Annie Dillard
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Thanks Obie for supplying that link, I read it. Very interesting.

Obviously showing it's a controversial topic as at the bottom of that link are people posting in on different sides in the discussion of the topic.
EW says France has banned Roundup. I think it is perfectly reasonable to ask him to provide a link.
If he can't or won't then everyone can draw your own conclusions. It is not up to me to do his research for him.

Otherwise: please prove there is no McDonalds on Mercury!

Yes I was mistaken on my list of banned countries. I didn't just create it from thin air though.

I read information first and when I researched further all of those countries are either imposing some sort of regulation or ban, outright or partial.

France was one of those that is in the process of the ban.

• France: President Emmanuel Macron announced in Novemenber 2017, an outright ban on glyphosate, to take effect "within three years."

You can simply read the links I already supplied for that info.

Okay, so we have established that France has NOT banned Roundup, despite your earlier claim.
Are there any countries on your list for which you can provide evidence for your claim? How about Germany? Holland?

ETA: Just a reminder, you wrote: "Just a few of the ENTIRE countries that don't use it anymore."
Look troll, ahem I mean PaulW., I just said I was mistaken on the list and about the bans. Why do you continue with it? This is not about any alleged claims. This is about a roundup lawsuit currently underway. Everything you just asked in your last post was answered in my previous post.
This is why I like astronomy. Astrophysics doesn't get into issues like politics, private companies paying researchers or where pure research happens.

Oh, hold on, I need to rethink that last bit...
PS. I'm not familiar enough with the science behind the use of roundup but am familiar with skepticism. I've been involved with various skeptic groups for a number of years and have lectured on occasion. What pisses me off more than anything is when a skeptic employs tactics that aren't truly skeptical and don't follow the scientific method. It's why I felt I had to comment.

The fact that some countries are planning to ban glyphosate is important to know, whether it's based on real science is something else - as in most cases, those in a position to ban things are not those that understand the science. This is why I try and promote the skeptic organizations - at least they ask for evidence and when needed, provide it. If any of them simply say "you're wrong" then that sounds just like someone finding a quote in the bible where of course anything can happen.
"Yes I was mistaken on my list of banned countries. I didn't just create it from thin air though."

You may not have but in large part the list is a product of hysteria.
Yeah Tom, I understand- and I appreciate the scientific process. My major in college was Biology. Anyway as I said, I'll repost here when so big changes or results from the lawsuit are apparent.

"If any of them simply say "you're wrong" then that sounds just like someone finding a quote in the bible where of course anything can happen."

Whoa, depending on where that is posted and read, it can be just like jabbing a hornets nest with a tree branch.


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