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Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway
2liveque: interesting history. When was your brother doing this? Was he using any other herbicides/pesticides? There were some pretty nasty ones available 20 - 30 - 40 years ago - that are off the market now. Did the other members of the crew smoke? Did he live in the plantation housing? I renovated one of that era - termite damage everywhere - got covered with paris green (an organic compound containing copper and arsenic which was used to kill the termite colonies) whenever I pulled termite eaten sections of the wall out. Did he ever do any carpentry? Copper-chrome-arsenate was used heavily to give wood termite resistance until a few years ago...

Easy to point fingers - but all too frequently the universe of exposures that we have all experienced makes it very hard to generate a convincing data set that shows that a particular chemical was responsible for whatever the illness de jour might be.
There was no requirement to wear any safety gear

I worked in a furniture making shop for several winters. Loud saws, planers, sanders, etc. No one wore hearing protectors. Every night I went home with my ears ringing. At some point during my first week on the job I brought in and started wearing over the ear muffs I used at home with my chainsaw. A week later, everyone else in the shop started to wear hearing protection too, even though it wasn’t required.

I feel bad for the man who has cancer, but if he had several “accidents” with Roundup, it’s hard to blame the manufacturer. You could have permanent health damaging accidents with bleach, TSP, gasoline - - “your honor, i was minding my own business, filling up the lawn mower with Chevron gasoline, and through no fault of my own I dropped a cigarette butt near the can, where through no fault of my own I had spilled a little gas earlier while trying to get that cigarette lighted, and woooompff, now I’m permanently burned... due to both Chevron and Lucky Strikes, which did not turn out to be as lucky as the manufacturer claimed on the label.“

“We have knowledge that beyond the border there is a wonderful beauty, a space for beauty, for greatness […] if perhaps you can believe in it, if you have such an experience, your life is a little bit changed.” - László Krasznahorkai
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Why is it that some think it is ok to have a use it until it is proven bad policy verses a don't use it until it is proven safe approach to things like roundup? There are so many instances where we want industry to proceed with the utmost of caution, whereas with Monsanto it's the other way around. Have at it, what do we care?

I don't know if Roundup is carcinogenic but it is damn hard on the human body regardless, and the fact is we are being fed it everyday through a myriad of sources...


Analyzing samples from a prospective study, University of California San Diego School of Medicine researchers found that human exposure to glyphosate, a chemical widely found in weed killers, has increased approximately 500 percent since the introduction of genetically modified crops.

But to allow this, and to essentially create a complete farming industry on this type of technology, and introduce it into the environment and our bodies as intensely as we have without as much scrutiny as we do medicine is just crazy. We are ingesting both, why isn't the level of scrutiny before we are allowed to do so the same for each?

And those that say there's no proof blah blah blah.. well you know there are all sorts of modern diseases that we do not know why they have grown to be so prevalent. So unless you can say that Roundup doesn't cause any of them I think it is far from reasonable that we should be in essence forced to eat the stuff.

Oh yeah, that's right, someone said we have a choice. We don't have to eat it if we don't want, right? Sure, did you see how hard the genetically modified guys fought to keep the facts off of food labels? That alone was disgusting, and only leads one to wonder what it is they don't want is to know?
Im interested to see how Bayer will handle all this exposure.
People seem to be bending over backward (or forward) to defend these industries when the users should not carry the burden of proof. If companies want ten fortunes, make the product safe (or give warning) document with impartial research. Is that even possible anymore?
There is no proof that Roundup causes cancer. What more do people want?
"I have used glyphosate longer than that and I don't have cancer so there you go....PROOF that glyphosate is harmless."

Well I am hoping you were more cautious than the plaintiff that said he got doused with it a couple times. That might make a difference.

"Easy to point fingers - but all too frequently the universe of exposures that we have all experienced makes it very hard to generate a convincing data set that shows that a particular chemical was responsible for whatever the illness de jour might be."

Yes very true geochem, we don't know what caused his cancer. However sometimes you start seeing a pattern of a specific type of illness such as non hodgkins lymphoma, or kidney disease, which are some of the illnesses commonly acquired by Roundup user/victims. When these people come down with such specific diseases and their common denominator is, exposure to Roundup, well then, I'm no scientist but I think this is significant.

I don't know if Roundup is carcinogenic but it is damn hard on the human body regardless, and the fact is we are being fed it everyday through a myriad of sources...
But to allow this, and to essentially create a complete farming industry on this type of technology, and introduce it into the environment and our bodies as intensely as we have without as much scrutiny as we do medicine is just crazy. We are ingesting both, why isn't the level of scrutiny before we are allowed to do so the same for each?

And those that say there's no proof blah blah blah.. well you know there are all sorts of modern diseases that we do not know why they have grown to be so prevalent. So unless you can say that Roundup doesn't cause any of them I think it is far from reasonable that we should be in essence forced to eat the stuff.

Amen on that Glinda, I cannot agree more! It is so refreshing to hear that point of view. I know people like you are out there, (smart and in-the-know about the dangers of Monsanto and Roundup) but I hadn't been seeing many like that here on PW.

Do you ever wonder why there are so few people that know your "truth"?
Wrong again Paul. There are lots of people that are in the know about this topic. Just not here on PW. You're one of those.
Thank you.

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