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Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway
So emotion and ignorance is the reason the following list of cities, counties, states, and countries have restricted, banned or in the process of phasing out glyphosate?
Follow the money, that is the only reason there has not been an outright ban on pesticides that are causing harm to the environment.

July 2018

Single quotation marks (its the same symbol as an apostrophe) ‘ vs “ (double quotation marks) are appropriate when referring to a specialized term.

If you are giving emphasis to some word or phrase - emphasis perhaps being to assert derision. Alternatively you might use single quotation marks inside a quote that uses double quotation marks. So, Tom might have used single quotation marks to emphasize ‘proof’ or ‘prove’ more clearly. If quoting “prove” from the referenced source it’s appropriate to use double, but if quoting with assertion that the words usage is not so clear cut (the distinction between a courts and scientists definition as Tom pointed out) the single quotation marks are appropriate.

Also, Bayer will appeal no doubt! This would set a precedent for more lawsuits and bankrupt their company. There is no scientific proof that links the defendants cancer with glyphosate, however there is an admission of misuse of roundup and not following the instructions on the label by the defendant. This is why we have the system of appeals - witch hunts have a history of casting blame on blameless victims (in this case Bayer).
We’ve been through this before. No country has banned Roundup. Even EW agrees. Exaggerations and lies.
This really isn't for Paul, he is hopeless. This if for any reader that might buy into or believe any of the crap he posts to derail my purpose of enlightening the common masses. People like him are just truly ignorant.

Huge numbers of people from all over the world have made this effort.
It doesn't matter if entire countries are or aren't. Have or haven't. What is alarming is the amount of different countries, cities, provinces, regions, etc. that have made moves to restrict, ban or phase out Roundup. Whether or not they have been successful at bans or restrictions is a different story. We're talking millions of people here all over the world.

You must ask yourself why?! Why this huge move to get rid of Roundup? Is every single person doing it to gain something like wealth or popularity for themselves? Or have too many people been getting sick with similar types of diseases as the result of exposure/ overexposure to this chemical and have been fed up with companies like Monsanto/Bayer which are only into profit and pretend to be interested in the betterment of mankind.
I believe I did refer to, the list of communities that are making their own decisions about using, restricting or banning glyphosate. start small!
Paul doesn't read links provided by the opposition.

Someone like Bananahead, that uses Roundup for a good cause: eliminating invasives- I respect that a lot more. It will be hard for some of these people to change their ways. Lots will not.

Paul, well he doesn't use Roundup, claims to never have, but just decided to make it his mission to oppose me on this issue. If it has to do with Roundup/Monsanto, and I say up, he'll say down. I say over he says under, I say no he says yes, black-white, yin-yang etc etc.
Thanks for the insults, such a pleasure debating with you.
And thanks for enlightening the masses, oh Enlightened One.

The old "where there's smoke" argument, eh? Those flat-earthers must be on to something then.

The facts remain, there is no evidence that Roundup causes cancer.
It makes no difference to me if Roundup gets banned thanks to crowd hysteria.
It is worrying that evidence is being ignored and we only listen to emotions and anecdotes.
You'll come squealing when the mob wants to ban something you rely on.
You must ask yourself why?! Why this huge move to get rid of Roundup? Is every single person doing it to gain something like wealth or popularity for themselves?

People believe many things for many different reasons. A vast majority of Americans (77%) believe in angels, whose existence has not yet been proven.

“We have knowledge that beyond the border there is a wonderful beauty, a space for beauty, for greatness […] if perhaps you can believe in it, if you have such an experience, your life is a little bit changed.” - László Krasznahorkai
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Why is it so rainy in August? Makes the redtop grass so high. I reckon if I ever get lung cancer it's going to be from bending over and breathing in redtop tassels trying to pull them out.

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