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Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway
Originally posted by My 2 cents

"Roundup, GMO and other modern agricultural chemicals and practices ARE making the world better, MUCH better."

Not disputing your statement, and not disputing the anti-lableing positions. However, I still don't understand why the companies DON'T WANT IT ON THEIR LABELS. If these things are really "making the world better, much better" I would think they would be proud to put the announcement into a big starburst on the front of the package like was done in days past. Voluntarily, and purposefully, as an advertising and promotional move. NEW, IMPROVED. NOW MADE WITH GMO CORN AND GLYPHOSATE. I brought this up before, no response. Please tell me why they would rather spend millions to keep it off their labels than boast about how their innovations are improving conditions across the planet.

I am surprised you have to ask. By forcing the labeling, and then demonizing GMO, they, by extension, demonize the product and the company. The GMO label would be turned into a target.

Remember, those who want the labeling don't give a damn about health implications, they are just interested in throwing as many wrenches into Western Civilization's internal workings as possible because they see it as an evil beast. Agriculture is foundational to that civilization.
Originally posted by kalakoa

What about your freedom to breathe clean air

HELCO burns bunker oil to make electricity, thereby infringing on my "freedom to breathe clean air" even though I personally am off-grid.

Bickering gets us nowhere.

IMHO, the air we collectively breath is plenty clean (volcanic gases excepted)!

I don't see the logic of living on an active volcano spewing all sorts of gases, and then worrying about an electrical generating plant and its scrubbed emissions!

How many years would be taken off of the average American's lifespan if we got rid of electricity in deference to some people's desire to breath perfectly-clean air. A decade or more, perhaps 30 years. Electricity is far more important to our society than an unreasonable desire to breath perfectly clean air.
"I am surprised you have to ask. By forcing the labeling, and then demonizing GMO, they, by extension, demonize the product and the company."

This doesn't even come close to answering my question. I said VOLUNTARILY, AND PURPOSEFULLY, AS AN ADVERTISING AND PROMOTIONAL MOVE. No forcing necessary. Take away the suspicions that they are trying to hide something. Take away the argument that they had to be forced.

Thanks for trying, but you did not answer my question. And that is why I have to continue to ask.
Open-d: Oh man, I just can't even.

Care to back up your assertion that "GMO and other modern agricultural chemicals and practices ARE making the world better, MUCH better." ? Otherwise it's just you spouting nonsense your opinion.

Or how about "Electricity if far more important to our society than an unreasonable desire to breath perfectly clean air". Where is anyone campaigning for perfectly clean air ? How about we just try and minimize using the atmosphere as a convenient sewer ?

BTW, thanks for making my point r.e. chest beating and grunting noises. Rather than ask for clarification on what I said, you doubled down on your incorrect assumption, further misconstrued my subsequent reply, and then went off in some new bonkers direction about making the world MUCH better.
Back to the topic, do you have any new information to contribute ?

edited for clarity of target
This is why I sometimes feel like a hall monitor at a middle school.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
If it's voluntary then they don't have to and they choose not to. So what's the problem?
The problem of course is that the anti-GMO mob want to force their misguided opinions on others.
How about we just try and minimize using the atmosphere as a convenient sewer ?

How about "no more free externalities" and let the market decide?
Originally posted by PaulW

If it's voluntary then they don't have to and they choose not to. So what's the problem?
The problem of course is that the anti-GMO mob want to force their misguided opinions on others.

Another nice try, but still not answering my question. They choose not to. Why?
Producers of organic produce could choose to put on their label "Warning: severely overpriced produce for no health benefits" but they choose not to and that's fine by everyone. We get problems when people want to force their opinions on others.

What doesn't Evian put "Contains dihydrogen monoxide" on their label? Because they choose not to. You have a problem with that?
Rob Tucker - This is why I sometimes feel like a hall monitor at a middle school.

The sash looks good on you, but don't forget you also have a whistle to send everyone back to classes about Hawaii Wink

I want to run through the halls of my high school
I want to scream at the top of my lungs
I just found out there's no such thing as the real world
Just a lie you've got to rise above


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