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Tulsi for President
at this moment she has my vote...

and she's from our district!

strike the "from" insert "represents"
I've known of Tulsi since she was Tulsi Tamayo
I supported Tulsi starting in 2012 when she ran against Mufi. We sat on a bench under a park shelter in Honolulu during a rain and talked for an hour.
I was happy to support her, she seemed thoughtful and genuine.
I've been with her individually a couple of times since,always impressive interpersonal skills.
I no longer can support her, despite her significant personality and capacity to engage with whom she's conversing

Spend a minute searching "Tulsi Gabbard Cult"
Read about her and her "guru dev" Chris Butler.
Then make a (better) informed decision about whether to support her.

mahalo hilopuna...I've read a lot of what pops up on a search of Tulsi's association with these organizations you mention...personal opinion seems to rule the day re: her dealings with these folks

I'm supporting Tulsi at this point...hirano and crew (dems in general) can not hold a light to her...

good luck with your choice of support, should be interesting.

a civil, non emotional discussion here would be welcome
Anyone who supports dynasty politicians should try to unpack whose interests those dynasty politicians are representing.

are you referring to hirano or hanabusa? They represent themselves...jury remains out on Tulsi
Yay tulsi!

Aloha Smile
Aloha Smile

It's getting very difficult to not agree with Tulsi
Adding a little more to Franks.
Just in case ya missed it...Tulsi is on the right track re: gun control... taken from the article -

Specifically, she has supported the Gun Show Loophole Closing Act, the Public Safety and Second Amendment Rights Act, the Keeping Guns from High Risk Individuals Act, the Assault Weapons Ban, the Support Assault Firearms Elimination and Reduction for our Streets Act, the Domestic Violence Loophole Closure Act, the Automatic Gunfire Prevention Act and more. She has an F rating from the NRA and a 100% legislative score from the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.
Tulsi kicked off her Presidential run in Honolulu yesterday 2/2:

“What our country needs now more than ever is the spirit of aloha, that spirit of respect and love for one another and for our country,” Gabbard said.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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