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Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway
I don't know about price or % but they sell (or sold) Ranger at Pahoa Longs. It was behind the counter at the photolab portion of the store. Surprised TF out of me when I saw somebody buy it.
My wife saw it too and she is pissed because she paid $5.00 more at BEI
than she would have at Long's.

We just bought a golfcart to replace a loss from Kapoho and I will mount a spray tank and spray bar so I can kill weeds while I swig a beer.
"so I can kill weeds while I swig a beer." strict accordance with the directions on the label, of course. Hey Obie, where can I get one of your OSHA approved face masks that allows you to drink beer while wearing it?
Hokuili did make a point albeit not directly pertaining to Hawaii.

I understand that to mean if government(s) elsewhere are banning it there is probably a reason. Just because it's so widely used here and our government is fine with it makes me ponder on that for a bit.
But then again the glyphosate thing kinda relates to everyone. Everywhere.

Want more about Hawaii pertaining to this topic? There's a family in Maui suing Monsanto now for all their spraying near their home that got affected their offspring adversely. A company like monsanto creates these products that make them rich. They don't care as much about the quality of some peoples life as much as they care about the money they get selling it.

Fact is some scientists say it's more dangerous than advertised and some say it's safe if sprayed on your food and then consumed in low levels. Depends on the study and who funds the study. Low levels that add up over time in your body. All over we have supermarkets that have shelves full of food in every aisle containing glyphosate.

I hope for everyone's sake its hyped. I'll chose to play it on the safe side just in case and eat organic.

I don’t get it EW, do you think if you tell a lie enough times people will believe you?
Originally posted by rainyjim

I don’t get it EW, do you think if you tell a lie enough times people will believe you?

I agree Jim. The way the glyphosate proponents go on, and on, about the supposed harmlessness of Roundup can be hypnotizing. Though anyone with an ounce of logic should be able to cut through the noise and recognize the mounting evidence to the contrary. Maybe it would be better for all to stop with the dissing and let the facts, which you have to admit Jim Monsanto/Bayer are reticent to share, speak for themselves.
the supposed harmlessness of Roundup

Assume that Roundup is poison and Monsanto lied about it.

How much will it cost to hire hundreds of people to mow the weeds by hand? Don't forget the hazardous duty differential (they're working along roads), benefits, pension...

What are the environmental and health impacts of hundreds of new gasoline-fired two-stroke small engines to cut those weeds?

I read the oped. All these things can be proven both ways. All pepoles have opinions.

I would prefer to err on the side of carefull. Got acess to lotsa used roof panels
Kill da weeds in 1 mo with a panal. Lay domw mulch or cardboard. Wala dead weeds.
No spray.


Voila, not wala. It's French.
I'm going to reiterate what I said/wrote before....I lived with a microbiology professor for a few years who only ate organic, he spoke to me on a few occasions of not understanding the uproar on Roundup. Said as far as chemical poisons go it's one of the least dangerous, it's a salt that breaks down rapidly posing no threat to life unless you are a weed, and even then it may need to be repeated. If the manufacturer hasn't changed their formula since then I can only assume this is an uninformed, uneducated witch hunt. Anyone know if the formula was changed in the last 20 years?

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