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Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway
Originally posted by dan d

I read the oped. All these things can be proven both ways. All pepoles have opinions.

I would prefer to err on the side of carefull. Got acess to lotsa used roof panels
Kill da weeds in 1 mo with a panal. Lay domw mulch or cardboard. Wala dead weeds.
No spray.

how many of those roofing panels are covered in lead-based paint?...
have you tested any?
just asking....
Punatic007 - I think it is safe to say, considering how the actual data was closely guarded, your friend knew no more than Monsanto foisted upon them. As such, twenty year old third party assumptions, based on the manufactures own propaganda are no more compelling than your use of the term witch hunt. Which, from what I can tell is a phrase only used by folks when they don't have rational answers.

It saddens me that folks would toe the Monsanto party line without bringing reason to bare. Why is there not universal support for an effort to get to the facts? Why is there blind support for Monsanto's propaganda verses a call for an independent finding of fact? I makes no sense to me, other than as an expression of how our education system has failed us. How it has created a society swayed by ideologies rather than science.
Originally posted by hokuili

Punatic007 - It saddens me that folks would toe the Monsanto party line without bringing reason to bare. Why is there not universal support for an effort to get to the facts? Why is there blind support for Monsanto's propaganda verses a call for an independent finding of fact? I makes no sense to me, other than as an expression of how our education system has failed us. How it has created a society swayed by ideologies rather than science.

An impartial, reasoned, scientific approach would require one to at least speculate how the EPA could be so wrong. I'm not hearing that in fact the silence on that point speaks loudly.
Bill 101 will ban the spraying of herbicides by Hawaii County:

November 20, 2019, 9:00 am

West Hawaii Civic Center
74- 5044 Ane Keohokalole Highway, Building A
Kailua-Kona, Hawaii


Bill 101, Draft 2:

Email testimony:
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
ban the spraying of herbicides

I estimate the required property tax increase at 20% -- that's just salaries/benefits, not the necessary capital expenditure (tools, vehicles, buildings).
I estimate the required property tax increase at 20%

Maybe for the first few years after the ban. Then inevitably one of the County WeedForce will injure him or herself on a lawn mower blade, or a heavy duty high speed .155 MaxiEdge trim line. There will be an outcry from the citizenry that such dangerous equipment should not be operated next to our roadways, schools, and parks which could subject citizens to a potentially dangerous hazard. Web sites will be linked which prove people all around the country & from all walks of life have been injured by lawn mowers and weed trimmers. There were even court cases.

The solution? Safety first. The county bans all motorized lawn equipment and adopts scythes and hand clippers for maintaining all public areas. Taxes go up 50%, but Hawaii Island becomes the first permanent 0% unemployment county in the nation.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
I estimate the required property tax increase at 20% -- that's just salaries/benefits, not the necessary capital expenditure (tools, vehicles, buildings).

Let's say we never used herbicides and our taxes are 20% higher and we're all tooling along, maybe less weeds, jungle, and all that along the highways being trimmed as regular, and of course those that gonna grumble are grumbling 20% more but otherwise, our taxes still are lower than some other places.. and hey it's a nice day I think I'll take the family down to Richardson's and do bbq for dinner. Life is good.

And along comes this guy says he can save us 20% and get the weeds gone, out of here, poof, but there's a catch. We gotta maybe, kinda, some say will others say won't poison ourselves to get them reduced. How many do you think are going to sign up for that? Do you think that kind of plan would get the vote? Can you see politicians selling us on the idea of a 20% tax reduction if we play roulette with our health?

I think not. But then, with the shoe on the other foot, we're all playing roulette and some guy comes around and says OMG to get rid of the health concern will cost us 20%. And we're suppose to go, OMG never, let's all just keep doing the roulette thing? Really? That's the argument? Our health for a few bucks?
That's the argument? Our health for a few bucks?

No price is too high for those who can afford it. The rest of us can just move, right?
Nor does this ban affect non-County weed control: State and private landowners could still use whatever chemicals they want.

How much will the lawsuit cost? Chemical companies have the "right" to profit from sales of their poision.

injured by lawn mowers and weed trimmers

My string trimmer can fling rocks hard enough to ding a vehicle. Who pays for this damage?

Kounty Kouncil Klown Kar.
Our health for a few bucks?

Does this argument apply only to Roundup, or would you include all products that might have a detrimental affect on human health? Where would we draw the line? Should the company of every product that has ever been brought into a court room with that claim that it damaged the health of a plaintiff be included? Or if any country on Earth bans or restricts a product, should the US also ban it?

Those 20% higher costs on each item now prohibited are really going to add up. 20%+20%+20%+...

Or perhaps we should have an agency or agencies that tests and reviews a product for danger to humans, domestic animals, and wildlife? An agency that might also ban products which in time proved they were not harmful or minimally harmful.
Cigarettes or marijuana?
Cyclamates? Banned in the US, but legal in Canada and 50 other countries.
Saccharine? Legal, then banned, now legal again.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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