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Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway
Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge

They spray glyphosate from helicopters

Good one Obie.
A Punaweb twofer.

I have stock in a tin foil company.
Council weighs in bivn
KONA, Hawai#699;i - Bill 101 contains a new schedule of herbicides that will be prohibited from County use, and a new exemption.


Hooray! Our County Council took substantive action that will require a huge tax increase!

Now if they could just do something about the volcano recovery...
Puna Sugar sprayed "Polaris" from the air as a ripening agent on sugar cane starting about 1973.(glyphosine (Polaris))
Hooray! Our County Council took substantive action that will require a huge tax increase!

Taxes? The council is expressing a concern for our health, for the welfare of the community, and your underlying concern is taxes? Really?

I am sure there's a Bob Dylan song in there somewhere...
your underlying concern is taxes?

It must be nice not to worry about how much it will cost. The rest of us have to work. How else will County pay for all that "concern for our health"?
The council is expressing a concern for our health

A few years ago I was spraying Roundup in my yard. Individual weeds here and there, so I did more walking than spraying. I was a good 60-70 feet from the road. There was no wind, or an occasional light breeze that blew from the road toward my property. It was almost impossible any spray may have drifted toward the road. A woman with her dog stopped on the road at my property line, frantic, shrieking and waving her arms. She asked me to stop spraying so she could walk by. I stopped. As she passed I pointed out the occasional wind direction, tradewinds, and she replied, "I CAN SMELL IT!"

Roundup, especially diluted Roundup has no smell.

Bill 101 which bans the use of glyphosate by Hawaii County will protect our health as effectively as it protects us from the smell of glyphosate.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Roundup, especially diluted Roundup has no smell.

Are you serious?


Pesticide Odor

"The ability to detect the odor of a specific chemical varies from person to person, and depends on other conditions such as how often a person is exposed to the odor. People who are often exposed to a certain odor may become insensitive to it – or more sensitive. If you become insensitive to an odor, you may be surprised that other people can smell the odor when you cannot. If you become extra sensitive, you may smell the odor when others do not notice it. There are also differences in chemicals – some chemicals have very low “odor thresholds” and can be detected at very low levels, sometimes lower than the most sensitive monitoring equipment can detect."

Maybe you've covered yourself in the stuff one too many times Mr Edge?
"The ability to detect the odor of a specific chemical varies from person to person

Have you ever watched a cowboy movie? A nature documentary?
There’s downwind, and there’s upwind.

It would take an individual with extraordinarily sensitive nostrils to detect a virtually scentless substance from a good distance upwind.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
extraordinarily sensitive nostrils to detect a virtually scentless substance

I suggest an experiment: load the sprayer with plain water (better yet, just carry an empty sprayer) and see if any passers-by complain about the odor.

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