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Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway
EW why is roundup your cause? How do you feel about driving behind a diesel vehicle? Do you limit your airflight time considering it's one of the worst polluters know? Did you reproduce? That's a big one too, roundup pales in comparison to bringing in another consumer of fossil fuels and other limited resources onto an over-populated polluted planet. Human life as we know it won't be lasting all that much longer in the grand scheme. The air pollution from China and India is blanketing the planet and increasing lethal respiratory diseases in nearby countries. Why not let people kill weeds with a low toxic poison so they don't break their backs bending over infinite times when there's enough nuclear waste in metal drums at the bottom of the ocean, to annihilate all sealife at some point when the metal breaks down. We are on a sinking ship, be kind, do your best but stop with the nitpicking thinking it will save the world. It's basically a downer when someone takes on a cause like this. Nobody wants to hear it UNLESS there is a payout from lawsuits. I wish roundup would kill greed along with the weeds. BTW I need to spray at least twice because it's such a weak poison. And yes don't spray your little fishes, that common sense.
County's herbicide prohibition means that some people might avoid long-term health impacts which take decades to become evident.

When will the people of Leilani get to go home?

When will Puna have an alternate route to Hilo?
some people might avoid long-term health impacts

The County has been spraying Roundup long term, for decades. Some County workers have been spraying Roundup as part of their job for decades. The time period from 2014-2019 on which Councilperson Sue Lee Loy cites her no-Roundup-claim figure is only a brief 5 years - - but it would include claims by long term workers within that time frame. I don't doubt there may be some illnesses from spraying herbicide over decades, but we can already see how many injuries are caused by gas powered lawn equipment.

I'd like the statistics which compare herbicide claims with powered lawn equipment claims - - from the date Hawaii County began Roundup use.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
statistics which compare herbicide claims with powered lawn equipment

Truth has no place in a popular "because it feels right" argument.
Okay okay. Driving pollutes, flying etc. Reproducing on an overly crowded planet. Yup yup. I'm aware of all that. I'm not living in a state of denial though and saying something is perfectly safe when it isn't. We're all going to die. Some sooner some later. I would like to leave as small a footprint as possible when I'm here. The smallest negative impact possible on the environment around me. And when us humans are gone, the earth will heal.

Am I only about being anti-Roundup? Hell no. I chose to highlight this topic though because it is a worldwide problem and so many Americans want to believe that it is harmless. Wake up sheeple. Okay. I'm done here. I hope.
Glyphosate is the most benign pesticide - I don’t understand why these internet warriors focus on the most benign pesticides rather than the numerous more toxic and environmentally harmful pesticides that are used all over the world.

There must be some reason. I can’t put my toe on it exactly, but my suspicion hinges around the ease of demonizing glyphosate, if internet warriors have no stake or nothing to lose by protesting something then they protest. Perhaps there is some deeper reason why EW is so obsessed with this one pesticide and not others; then again maybe he just read some headlines about the recent court cases and decided it was time to be the caped crusader (just on the internet of course).
I don’t understand why these internet warriors focus on the most benign pesticides

They original intent of the food warriors was to ban GMO food products. They weren’t successful, so they switched their strategy to banning Roundup as most GMO corn etc has been bred to be Roundup Ready.

If they could get Roundup banned, then there’s no reason for farmers to plant GMO Roundup Ready corn. It would effectively get rid of a majority of GMO seed crops. There are other GMO plants like Rainbow papaya, but they’re a small part of the total.

Most anti GMO people are anti Roundup or pesticides in general anyway, so demonizing both by any means necessary is a fortuitous twofer for them.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Originally posted by kalakoa

Perhaps you should consider relocating to a jurisdiction that shares your worldview.
And there it is.. the real kalakoa. If he don't like what you say his response is a big.. oh so nicely put.. go away.

Damn, when I think of how riled, how offended, how kalakoa would act if a native born were to tell him to move along..

And the funny thing is, from my perspective, it looks like kalakoa is talking about himself. It is he that does not like our local government's effort to wrestle with matters of our, its constituents, health. It is he that whines, insistently, about taxes and the services he feels he is not provided. It is kalakoa that expresses, almost daily, his displeasure with our "jurisdiction."

But no, he wants to, as if it is in vogue, impose his displeasures on others. Whereas I, well I like that the county is trying to figure out alternatives to herbicides. And I like that the state is realistic enough to recognize that things like the ferry system are impractical. And I like, am very proud of, our senatorial representation speaking up to the madness in the nation's capital. And I like that there are so few here who would vote for those that are perpetrating that madness on us.

But kalakoa, who says, maybe I should find somewhere that shares my worldview, spends hours, every day, expressing his displeasure about our island world. In fact, he does it more than anyone else here. Go figure.
I like that the county is trying to figure out alternatives to herbicides[i]

Strong work now that all the other problems have been solved.

[i]spends hours, every day, expressing his displeasure

It pays well -- Russian trolls aren't only concerned with national elections.
Perhaps there is some deeper reason why EW is so obsessed with this one pesticide and not others;

Well Jimmy I have said it before. The answer to this. You might have skimmed over my posts and missed it, dismissing them because I'm on the opposite side as you regarding this topic.

I am against ALL pesticides. Roundup just happens to be the most popular. Why? Why am I against them all? Because time and time again history has showed that the government approves these various pesticides and says, they're safe, only to later say, "oops, we were wrong, this chemical composition used as pesticide can have serious adverse health impacts on humans and other life exposed to it. Sorry about your diseases caused by it. Have a good day"

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