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HPP General Membership Meeting Sept 4, 2021
I received a postcard today for the upcoming HPP membership meeting 9/4, 3 PM.  Date, time, location.  Generic, in black and white.  That's it.  Nothing I could find on their website.

Does anyone have more info?
Disgruntled group of owners called their own meeting.

They don't understand the bylaws and want to overthrow the board and take over HPPOA.
What is it they don’t understand about the bylaws?
Puna:  Our roosters crow first!
I called the association office and was told that some people are holding this meeting to discuss matters such as the 17th extension that are already "done deals." The association office staff sent out the mailer at the request of these folks whom I presume to be dissidents. That surprised me, and the lady I spoke to said the administration does not consider it an "official" meeting. As usual, things are odd at HPP.

And it all may not matter anyway, because the way the pandemic is going in Hawaii, such meetings could well be banned by September 4.
Thanks Obie & Chunkster.
I think I’ll stare out at the HPP adjacent Pacific Ocean while the meeting takes place.  
See what the fish have to say.
The bylaw they don't understand is that the Board of Directors has the final say in all matters.
The owners can't vote on something at a membership meeting and demand that it be implemented.

There is a hard core group of about 100 people who want everything done their way. There are about 8000 of us who are not being consulted or maybe don't care.
17th is a done deal it has already been opened up.
The other item they are opposed to is a cell tower that will be built adjacent to the playground on 17th. It's going to burn out everyone's brains and or cause cancer. The other complaint is in case of a hurricane it may fall and injure the children at the playground.

I have never seen any children there but in case of a hurricane they may want to keep the kids home.
HPP board squabbles, road mismanagement, and meeting shenanigans is a story as old as HPP itself.
No need to do anything until it affects at least 10% of the landowners in HPP, right?
You mean squabbling over road maintenance, cell towers, and who is on what committee? That affects 100% of the landowners in HPP. Mainly because it's hilarious stuff.

BTW, where's Obie? I thought he never missed an HPP discussion.
(08-10-2021, 11:48 PM)Obie Wrote: The bylaw they don't understand is that the Board of Directors has the final say in all matters.
The owners can't vote on something at a membership meeting and demand that it be implemented.
The owners do have the final say, most just don’t exercise that right so they’re re getting what they’re getting.
Puna:  Our roosters crow first!

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