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Vaccinated People Spread The Delta Variant, CDC Says
All that time looking down from the top of the mountain has given old TK a god complex.
(10-12-2021, 06:56 PM)Wao nahele kane Wrote: ...Good luck with that.

Too much time on FB Kane?
Wait till you all find out Covid/Vaccine is a conspiracy to kill off conservative voters and ensure 1000 years of socialism under Xi Jinping and his puppet Ige. Please do not take the vaccine so the plan will work faster! You are absolutely right vaccines can only be snorted, not injected with the devil's needle. Needles don't work and modern medical science is a fraud. Only herb can cure Covid. But I believe in science. My optometrist told me Covid doesn't even exist at the last school board meeting. And anything less than 10% fatalities is just fine, let evolution work, your manmade medicine is all fake news. I know better, I educated myself on Infowars and RT videos and medical articles from 18 months ago that can be taken out of context to agree with me. I could teach doctors how to do their jobs, if they weren't commy sympathizer idiots supporting the Great Reset. Ige wants to keep businesses closed forever so he can get rich off all the taxes from, er... Anyway the news is lying to you sheeple and the conspiracy crosses every political boundary from China to Russia to the US. From Montana to Hawaii. They are all secretly friends and kidnapping kids for their lizard cult. Prove me wrong, you can't, because all the evidence is rigged. The doctors and scientists are all in on it. Even your cousin that's a nurse at HMC, she is lying about all those patients being unvaccinated.

Uh oh, I hear the helicopters coming for me now, gotta go. Keep up the good fight, and if your ohana is coughing give them big hugs from me and stay away from that fake medicine. Except if you have some off-label stuff you read about on Facebook, the only reliable source for information.

I suspect history will judge this period harshly.

A time when we sacrificed our youth in order to briefly prolong the lives of the sick and the aged.

Youth who have suffered increased rates of suicide, drug abuse and mental illness.

Youth who have suffered increased abuse, hunger and neglect.

Youth who have had their educations stunted, and their futures derailed.

We have mortgaged our future so that the Me Generation can have one more hurrah.
In 20 years they will largely be gone but the impact of their selfishness will last.
Youth who have been poorly educated

Youth who have not been brought up by their parents to function in the real world
Puna:  Our roosters crow first!
People who have no respect for our kapuna.
Certainty will be the death of us.
(10-12-2021, 10:40 PM)AaronM Wrote: I suspect...

Methinks, Shai Held was right when he wrote: 

The mark of a decent society is that it resists the temptation to spurn the defenseless. It is almost a truism that the moral fabric of a society is best measured by how it treats the vulnerable in its midst—and yet it is a lesson we never seem to tire of forgetting. “You shall rise before the aged and show deference to the old,” the Bible says—look out for them and, in the process, become more human yourself.

(10-13-2021, 03:22 AM)kalianna Wrote: People who have no respect for our kapuna.

Respect? Yes. 

Sacrificing the keiki in order to respect the kupuna? No.
(10-13-2021, 05:30 AM)AaronM Wrote:
(10-13-2021, 03:22 AM)kalianna Wrote: People who have no respect for our kapuna.

Respect? Yes. 

Sacrificing the keiki in order to respect the kupuna? No.

That's a false choice now. Wearing a mask and taking a vaccine doesn't sacrifice any keiki.
(10-12-2021, 08:00 PM)kander Wrote: When they cant dispute the message, they disparage the messenger. Thats when you know you won the argument.


"Oh, poor little Tommy boy, the embarrassment of being called out on your arrogant ignorance got the better of you, again, and left you with nothing but a single cliche for a reply?

Better luck next time, mate. 

Word of advice, find a science that doesn't leave you scratching uranus in boredom to the point of having to troll a web forum from work looking for poorly informed people to pick on. Poor form, Tom... Poor form."


"If it weren't for the drooling, picth fork, torche bearing, forum mobs, you'd be without a station in life. Good luck with that."


"All that time looking down from the top of the mountain has given old TK a god complex."


"A bit of advice vancouverislander, step off the mass hysteria train and excercise some of those objective reasoning skills it appears that you're withholding from yourself, you seem to be far more capable of making sense than the ignorantly intelligent levels you've displayed in your past few posts."

What was it you were saying, Kander?

PS. randomq - I loved your post!

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