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Tasers legal in Hawaii as of January 1
As someone who has been tased before, it really really really sucks. Your mind temporarily rejects your body and any plans you had are erased. My friend bought one and for some reason "tase me bro" seemed like a good thing to say at the time (thank you purple kush).
who cares.... pfft
Nobody cares. Until they get tased...
Sales of “Depends” will show a sharp uptick afterwards.  #shishiyopants  Blush
Well at least all all the people who have been carrying a tazer all these years in secret wont be criminals anymore.
I'm pretty familiar with Tazers, the older Nova Stun Guns too. There can be a fair amount of entertainment value but I was never overwhelmed with their effectiveness. However, they can be a useful tool and can prevent injuries to both suspects and police. A very insufficient response in a deadly force environment. Much safer for all than a physical takedown of a resisting suspect. I would not depend on one for home defense but I won't make recommendations. I can see it as a useful tool outside the home but I would never display it as a threat. If it's needed, just use it and vacate the scene immediately. They won't keep the assailant incapacitated for long, if it works at all. They aren't terribly accurate and can be easily be defeated by a loose aloha shirt. You need good skin contact with both probes.

They should do fine in the Hawaiian environment. They do fine in coastal S. FL. Like all electronic stuff they will eventually die. However they might last longer in Arizona, maybe.

Yes, you can test them daily. Remove the cartridge first.
Big Islander to be.
"can be easily be defeated by a loose aloha shirt"

Mahalo oink. We were planning to pack one but I guess we will have to stick to the bear spray when we go to The Mauna Lani
Keep it local  Heart

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