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Something strange is going on in Maui
I would bet that none of these guys have any worry about re-election at all. None, Not Mitch, Not Ige, none.
"its not who votes, but who counts the votes" Joseph Biden -2021

You dont have to think much about whats happening, when they tell you right up front.
It's rhetoric like that which loses elections.

Ige's term is up regardless. Mitch probably thinks he's ruffling the least feathers with his decision. Not like anyone is going to enforce his gathering limits.

Just vote against the turds who would push these kinds of policies and mock them like they deserve to be. Don't blame the results when you encourage people not to vote.
Hawaii, as a general rule keeps voting the same turds in year after year. No accountability, wasteful spending, and corruption. Im amazed the entire state has not gone insolvent yet. I tell you what though, the day that the pension checks bounce there will be a lot of shocked faces and blinking eyeballs looking at each other wondering what went wrong.
But no worries, just tack on some more tax like they did on the rail.
Covid may just be a game changer. I can only hope the backlash happens here like it will in the rest of the country.
Ok, here is the DOH site for vaccinations, selected for Maui & I do not see a "flatline" over the last 6 months... the slope is increasing, just not quite at the rate of some counties - if you click on the "Age" summary & check Maui against the other counties, there are fewer % children (in both 5-11 & 11-17) getting first & second shots...maybe because there are actually fewer children as percent of the population... however, I am not sure about that!
I didn't mean to imply there was an absolute flatline, just that there hasn't been much increase. Not enough to make much of a difference as far as who this booster policy might piss off.

Either way you're completely forgetting about the problems these restaurants must be having with tourists. Imagine telling a tourist it's been 6 months and one day since their last dose and now they can't come in.

Absolutely insane.
From the Maui County website :
"People are considered fully vaccinated for COVID-19 when more than two
weeks have passed since receiving the second dose in a two-dose series, or more
than two weeks after they have received a single-dose vaccine, and have received
a booster vaccination if eligible. ."

Don't know where you are getting your info from but it's wrong. 66% are fully vaccinated.
You obviously haven't read the thread Obie. Either way it's irrelevant with only a 21% booster rate and only a 12% change from June for those with two doses.

The fact is he's still banning the vast majority of the population from restaurants etc.

Again, can you imagine telling a tourist they can't come in because it's been six months and one day since their last dose?

People aren't cattle even if the public health officials wish they were.
The booster is only required if it was a single shot vaccine. That was the recommendation nationwide.
Those that got a 2 shot vaccine are not required to have a booster so your 21% booster rate is irreverent.

66% are fully vaccinated and just need to show a vaccination card to go out and dine.
Quote:Science says that after the second shot of Pfizer and Moderna vaccinations or the single Johnson & Johnson shot, vaccinations weaken after about six months,” Maui Mayor Michael Victorino announced Thursday. “This rule change recognizes that.

The article makes it sound like you have to have had a shot in the last six months.

Are you sure now Obie?

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