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New Covid variant named IHU
I wonder how long before it arrives on the Big Island.
Supposedly started in Cameroon then on to France.

So maybe couple weeks?
Puna:  Our roosters crow first!
For real? A better name would be IH8U.
I hope it's as dope as Omicron and I catch it too.

I already missed out on Alpha and Delta, hopefully I can catch the rest of them though!

Gotta catch 'em all!

If it is even more contagious than Omicron we're all getting it too.

Your masks aren't going to help. I wanted to go walking around in all those stores without a mask but they wouldn't let me!
Odd name. I heard somewhere that when they run out of Greek alphabet letters, they are going to use names of Muppets.
Keep it local  Heart
If it is not one thing then it is another .
ihu — Pukui-Elbert, Haw to Eng,
1. n., Nose, snout, beak, bill, trunk of air elephant, toe of a shoe; a kiss.

Let's hope it's a kiss and not the trunk of an elephant. And is there really a Hawaiian name for the trunk of an elephant????
Certainty will be the death of us.

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