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Green says masks will be last to go
Thank you Rob.
Punaweb dinner last night at Kaleo’s …
Lol pretty much except they just want to go right on wearing them and ignoring the truth and the damage done, not so funny.

Give you an almost word for word observed interaction at our local school:
Girl takes off mask briefly to adjust or drink water.
Boy exclaims in surprise and admiration “ oh that’s what you look like!”
Girl quickly covers up with mask again in shame “I don’t like the way my face looks”
The boy was clearly attracted to the beautiful young girl whose face he had never seen and all she could feel was shame and disgust with her own appearance.
This was a real observed interaction at our school. It’s hard enough for these kids when figuring out life and puberty, especially for the young ladies working with confidence issues. To ignore what we have done to these kids to quell irrational fears of adults who at this point should easily be vaxxed and boosted if they want is criminal. I certainly will never forget it.

Our job is to protect the children, not pretend like we are while ruining their lives. The number of graduates that put off college after the lockdown year is huge. Do you know the statistics on gap years?
(03-06-2022, 05:31 PM)HawaiiEV Wrote: The number of...

People that have died from.. plus the number that are struggling with the long version of.. is a bigger number than all your silliness, brah.

And still, I get it, you're jazzed, you stumble in here and think you know something and all that. But man, look around you, you're trying to convert folks that have heard everything you say and so much more, already.. over and over again, ad nauseam..

If you really want to say something, ie if you are anymore than just another wannabe passing through, you'd step back, look around you, get a feel for the terrain and chime in when you have something novel to add. But as it is? You're working overtime and doing no more than making a fool of yourself..
You are correct. My nature is to overcome ignorance, with knowledge, data and real world experience. Not something that’s of interest here on this topic, even questionable if they want to hear it about EVs. It’s gone on for hundreds of pages of ignorant bickering on this forum it seems before I arrived and when I start posting the actual data and studies it’s deleted and a step to far. Something tells me it’s not the quantity that offends as witnessed by the evidence, but rather when actual data threatens the status quo. It is true that you can’t change the mind of such people, especially when they have authority on their side. Wish you well.
Whatever. Personally I've had my fill of armchair experts. I let things drift at times, tried several times to bring it back to base and there is always someone convinced they alone possess The Truth and Punaweb, for reasons I can't figure out, is where they want to make their Sermon On The Mount.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Wow, seems I missed a lot.

My personal non-medical opinion. I am not a doctor don't take advice from me, just an armchair "expert" on this topic.

Almost any drug will come with a huge list of side effects you might get. Most of these end up being coincidental though. The only particularly concerning one that I am convinced is absolutely real is the myocarditis for younger men. Although this seems to mainly be a problem with subsequent doses and not as much the first dose.

This is why I was so vehemently against the booster mandates that we saw implemented/almost implemented here, as not so much just a difference of opinion, but simply just not ethical period. Of course they absolutely make sense if you are over 65 and/or have some other reason you may be vulnerable.

As for the wet market/lab leak thing thing. Sorry HOTPE, but those studies don't prove it one way or the other. The jury is still out on that one. The level of certainty provided by those studies is still very much in the "low" category.
(03-06-2022, 08:26 PM)Rob Tucker Wrote: Whatever.  Personally I've had my fill of armchair experts.  I let things drift at times, tried several times to bring it back to base and there is always someone convinced they alone possess The Truth and Punaweb, for reasons I can't figure out, is where they want to make their Sermon On The Mount.
You’re the moderator so I guess it’s your call, but this sounds like a joke. The one post you drew the line at and the one you DELETED was the one that had the studies from John’s Hopkins, lancet, tel aviv university, Oxford data. Not arm chair experts, emotions and bickering like the rest, the only post with real data. I would post just those studies again, but you have made it clear I can’t post the science, it’s only ok for people to continue with opinions and emotions about the issue.  Rolleyes
(03-06-2022, 09:37 PM)HawaiiEV Wrote: you have made it clear I can’t post the science..

Actually, I think it's your interpretation of the science and the emotionally charged way you go about defending it that's concerning. And now, now that you're called into question, it's just defense, and that can only fail. Give it up man, say hi, introduce yourself, and get to know the neighbors..
All the experts and studies and research and data is meaningless noise to the daily struggles faced by ordinary people living in a Nanny State.

The reality here today is: we have mandates imposed on us by an unaccountable government.

Whether the mandates are "reasonably supported by scientific evidence" is completely irrelevant to Governor Ige.

If you want better answers, get a better government, either by moving, or by staying here and trying to fix this one.

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