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Kenoi - Bar fight in 2004?
Thanks! I appreciate being called naive. I deal every day with conspiracy theorists ad nauseum so naive is a real compliment.

So George who do you suggest me,who is naive, vote for?

I didn't mean to offend but you surely must know that naiveté actually means that you don't understand how much you don't understand?

Anyway, let me give you some facts followed by a couple ideas for you to ponder.

  • Dan Inouye, senior US from Hawaii, is 84 years old and will be up for election 2 years from now in 2010 at the age of 86. Assuming he wins, he will next be eligible to run 8 years from now at 92 years of age in 2016.
  • Dan Akaka, junior US Senator from Hawaii, is also 84 years old and will be up for re-election in 4 years in 2012 at the age of 88. Assuming he wins he will be eligible to run again 10 years from now at the age of 94 in 2018.
  • The Mayor's term is 4 years and is limited to 2 terms (8 years).
  • Billy Kenoi spent a year or so as an intern for Senator Inouye.
  • Billy Kenoi, who sometimes may say a little more than he should, has on occasion told people that he has friends in high places watching out for him and that one of those friends is Dan Inouye, who Billy has referred to as his "Godfather". Maybe he's full of it, maybe he isn't, you decide.
A little politics 101:

Whatever party that is in power tries to keep things orderly. That means when one person moves up or out another person who the party feels will follow the party "agenda" is already primed to fill the vacancy. Part of that getting ready process is that the replacement has built the correct resume by being elected to suitable offices preparing him or her for the office he or she is going to move into. Some call that "The Good Old Boy System."

A question or 2:
  • Who runs the Democratic Party in the state of Hawaii?
  • Do you think both our US Senators will run for re-election after their present terms expire?
  • Assuming they do run, do you think they both will live out their terms and run again?
  • Do you think the "party" has any interest in lining up people to replace either or both of our two US Senators should they die in office or not run?
  • Do you think any replacements for the good Senators will just walk in off the street or is it more likely the party will "promote an experienced candidate"?
  • Do you think being the Mayor of Hawaii County for 4 or 8 years, along with a law degree and Hawaiian lineage, are impressive enough credentials to make it into the House of Representatives should an opening occur when a member of the House moves up to the Senate?
  • Would your "Godfather" help you get in line for good job, assuming you have agreed to play the game properly?
  • Do you still believe this is all just about being Mayor of the Big Island and as such is small potatoes?
As for who I suggest you vote for, you get to pick your own candidate. My only hope is you don't do it naively.

My guess is you will now readjust your Rose Colored Glasses slightly and insist this is all poppycock.
Good points

Kenoi for senate 2016!!
I didn't mean to offend but you surely must know that naiveté actually means that you don't understand how much you don't understand?

You didnt offend me. Personally I have dealt with this type of thing all my life. I grew up under the umbrella of a real godfather type - Lew Wasserman. So do I really believe I am naive? No, I dont. What it really means when some one gets doesnt agree it is poppycock so therefore I must be naive. Poppycock what a wonderful word.

My guess is you will now readjust your Rose Colored Glasses slightly and insist this is all poppycock.

My rose colored glasses serve as protection against all the sky falling.

And actually how will all this affect us directly? The country is still a mess. Gas prices are still high. Do you actually think what our Hawaiian politics does really matters one tiny ounce? No. What we can control is our immediate environment hence so many supporters of the PCDP and people like Pilago, Joseph, Jacobson, Kale, etc trying to affect a local change which is really all we can do.

Billy Kenoi even stepping into the shoes of either Senator will not control much. Here is I really believe really controls:

Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin
Lazares Brothers Banks of Paris
Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy
Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam
Lehman Brothers Bank of New York
Chase Manhattan Bank of New York
Kuhn, Loeb Bank of New York
Goldman, Sachs Bank of New York.

An a apology to Rob for stepping out into the global realm. It was that poppycock!
Who did what in a bar fight is really far less important to me than having a leader I can trust. I want a mayor who has proven himself by making difficult choices that may not always be what everyone wants to hear. I want a mayor who is not afraid to say what he plans to do rather than talk in feel-good generalities. I want a mayor who cares enough about Puna to support our CDP and come here and talk to people in a variety of small venues where he can make personal contact. I want a mayor who can honestly say he represents a break with the good old boy network of the past. I want a mayor who wants ALL our voices to be heard, and not just those with big money or connections. I want a mayor who doesn't always have a slick prepared speech ready, but speaks from his heart.

For all these reasons, I support Angel Pilago and urge all my friends and neighbors to do so. It really is our best chance to change the direction of Island politics in a positive way for a long time to come.

I'm sorry if this post disappoints everyone expecting the latest tit for tat in the barroom brawl brouhaha, but I feel like this is what's really important right now and needs to be said.

Cheerfully for Pilago,
Originally posted by George

Originally posted by amf217

Sure seems to have your interest George, WHY?

I don't understand, who/what seems to have my interest? If you're referring to the Billy situation, isn't it everybody's responsibility to examine political candidates? You know, as opposed to ignoring everything you don't want to hear and instead saying "The source won't give their name so I won't look at the evidence."

You have carried it beyond examining the candidate, I don't care for unnamed sources but would not ignore them either. So on who's campaign do you work?
I like it here in the shallow end of the gene pool
Originally posted by Kapohocat


My rose colored glasses serve as protection against all the sky falling.

And actually how will all this affect us directly? The country is still a mess. Gas prices are still high. Do you actually think what our Hawaiian politics does really matters one tiny ounce? No. What we can control is our immediate environment hence so many supporters of the PCDP and people like Pilago, Joseph, Jacobson, Kale, etc trying to affect a local change which is really all we can do.

Billy Kenoi even stepping into the shoes of either Senator will not control much...
First, a little humor.

Rose Colored Glasses won't protect you from the falling sky, they will just allow you not to notice it until it hits you on the head. You need a tinfoil hat to actually give you protection.

Ok, I couldn't resist that but it doesn't address your comments so let me do that a little bit.

Yes, gas prices and a myriad of other things are outside the realm of control of the Mayor of Hawaii County. Yes, the Mayor only has influence over County issues. So, does all that mean we should hire a Mayor haphazardly? Does that mean we shouldn't look at his or her qualifications, associations, and character?

Look, all I'm saying to anyone are these things:
  • Billy, by his own words, has said that the fix is in on this race. If you think that's the way Democracy should operate then by all means, vote for him.
  • If you believe a newspaper reporter who has spent his adult life investigating the news seriously believes an anonymous tip, especially a tip that is essentially just the publication of public documents, is a smear then put up a yard sign for Billy.
  • If you think a Mayoral candidate should spend some of his or her time raising money to help defend someone who has been convicted of "executing" a rival gang member, and don't believe that in any way even implies deeper connections, then Billy is your man.
  • If you choose to believe police reports are just frivolous documents and that witnesses who magically appear a year or so after the fact are credible, then by all means, ignore the police reports and believe the witnesses.
  • And finally, if you believe a Mayoral candidate who has supported a convicted murder and who has been charged with criminal offenses shouldn't be called on the carpet for telling multiple and conflicting stories about either or both is they guy you like, then vote for Billy.
I would suggest you keep in mind one thing however. If you insist on burying your head in the sand like an ostrich keep in mind what part of your body is sticking up in the air, and don't be surprised at what results from that.
Originally posted by amf217

Originally posted by George

Originally posted by amf217

Sure seems to have your interest George, WHY?

I don't understand, who/what seems to have my interest? If you're referring to the Billy situation, isn't it everybody's responsibility to examine political candidates? You know, as opposed to ignoring everything you don't want to hear and instead saying "The source won't give their name so I won't look at the evidence."

You have carried it beyond examining the candidate, I don't care for unnamed sources but would not ignore them either. So on who's campaign do you work?

I don't understand why people find it so difficult to understand that some people are just concerned about a person of Billy's character getting elected to public office and that they believe everyone should be able to examine the documents and ideas that cause those concerns.

BTW, if you think it unusual that someone finds a serious problem with one candidate while not supporting an alternative, keep in mind that more often than not people vote against someone rather than for someone. Sadly, that's just the way our system seems to work.

As to my going too far, my focus was on the Presidential race and I wasn't even paying attention to the Mayor's race until Hunter Bishop insisted on saying that because there was information provided by anonymous sources it was a smear. I was incredulous because after all, anybody with an ounce of sense knows most political stories are brought to light by anonymous sources. So, Hunter's (someone who above all else should know better) dismissive attitude made me think that the stuff Billy had said wasn't just typical Billy BS but just might have some truth to it, so I did some investigating, and what I found very much disturbs me. Just as it disturbed me that Hunter has as of yet posted on his blog anything I've written or what some others who I know share my concerns have written. Yes, he has posted some relatively minor stuff by some people but he's ditched a hell of a lot of stuff. For instance, while he could he simply would not publish the web address of the police documents. Instead he wrote that he'd looked at them and they were BS. Gee, thanks for making my mind up for me Hunter. I hope you don't mind my thinking that's a little whacked.

Anyway, back to my question as to why some people apparently think everybody who is calling attention to Billy's peccadilloes are doing so because they support some other candidate. All I can think of is that people who do have an axe to grind regarding a particular candidate just can't fathom someone who doesn't. Either than or they make the accusation so that other people will believe it's all partisan politics rather than actual "stuff" we should all be aware of.

Anyway, the best answer I can give your question is I support Barrack Obama. For the Mayor's race I'll probably flip a coin when I'm in the voting booth.
Originally posted by Damon

Get a grip.

I said "I don't doubt the content of the site".... what does that mean to you?

I have always said from the very first post that I posted on my blog that I think it's a smear only because of the fact that the guy was anonymous.

Had he came out with all sides of the story on his blog as well as identified himself and what his motivation for making the site was *edit* then he would have more credibility, but he DIDN'T so*edit* then to me... it's still a smear.... (and the content of the site, correct as it is... has nothing to do with my thoughts on the author of the site)

The site has now personally bashed Hunter. What in the heck does bashing a personal blogger have to do with being an Akamaivoter?

If you can't see the slant in what is, then no worry. Trying to persuade people that this akamai voter site is not bogus will not work. We are much smarter then that.

You -> Trying to persuade people that this akamai voter site is not bogus will not work. We are much smarter then that.

And you again-> I said "I don't doubt the content of the site".... what does that mean to you?

Well, it means to me that the information on the site is accurate regardless of the anonymity of, or motivation of, the author.

And it also means to me that all this crap about it being a smear, as long as the information presented is true (which apparently you agree that it is), is a smoke screen designed to obscure the truth.

Finally, given your conflicting statements, it sure seems like you are trying to appear to be neutral while at the same time doing a little not so subtle character assassination. Then again, maybe "bogus" means something to you that I'm not aware of.

You-> The site has now personally bashed Hunter.

That would be the same Hunter who told us all that the police reports were meaningless, right? Look, I know you love the guy but it is pretty obvious he's not unbiased on this one.

I honestly can't figure you out Damon. On one hand I think you're simply sucking up to Hunter and on the other I think you too are a closet Kenoi supporter. But I do know this: whichever you are, your logic and your objectivity are whacked. I mean it is just simply silly to keep saying that because a story is put forth anonymously it is a smear. In politics it happens all the time that people want to remain anonymous when outing someone who has undo influence. The reasons for that should be obvious to everyone, just as the examples of it being done are legion. Anyway, rant on kid. As I said before when all the dust settles it just demonstrates your character.

One last thought, you said that "Had he came out with all sides of the story on his blog..." Well, maybe you can tell us all what the other side of the story actually is? Oh, I know. The other side is that Hunter already read the police reports and decided they were meaningless, so we don't need to read them ourselves. Gee, thanks for the help... brah.

George... Do you like mountain apples?

There is much more to talk about.

Did you know that the Kona side is often called Kailua-Kona.


Did you know that Banyan Trees actually grow on Banyan Drive?

George - Do you know that by default through my wifes bloodline that I'm related to both Hanohano and Naeole. I just found out Naeole is related to Kenoi somehow just a few days ago. This is a big island and many Hawaiian Families are intertwined in many ways. This doesn't mean we all believe the same things. Heck, Hanohano and Naeole won't even endorse each other?[^]

I guess I'm in the bag huh? [:o)]

George... Make a difference on this Island and vote for Angel Pilago.




And you wonder why I don't let you stink up my blog[B)]

Originally posted by Damon


George... Do you like mountain apples?

Look, don't worry about my "stinking up your blog" because, as everyone knows, your blog is too heavily censored for anybody but you to stink it up.

And now you've taken to winding up your posts to with "Make a difference on this Island and vote for Angel Pilago." Who do you think your kidding... brah?

Damn, I missed this the first time: "This doesn't mean we all believe..." We???

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