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You Drink, You Drive, You...
Don't have to worry about it on this island.

I have been fuming since Monday over this, so here goes.

13 months ago I was hit head on by a drunk driver, no license, no insurance. She is arrested, third offense (that I know of), gets the legal maximum of 14 days in jail.

So, on Monday afternoon I pull out of Peck Rd., in Mt. View to head down to Keaau. Pull out behind a silver Ford Windstar. This driver is obviously drunk, weaving over the yellow line, the white line, hits one of those "sidewalk" markers in front of Mt View school, drives too fast, then too slow, hits their brakes when nothing is in front of them. If I had a cell phone I would have called it in. The driver eventually turns right onto Old Volcano Rd in Keaau, I think great I'm going to stop at the police station and report this. Then I see an officer where you buy propane gas (behind the credit union), so I pull in, jump out of my truck and say "That driver in the van is drunk." His respone? "Yeah, OK."

Me: Aren't you going to go after them?
Lazy Officer: I have to follow this tow truck and stay with this car.
Me: Can't you call it in?
Lazy Officer: I have to take care of this first!

The officer follows the tow truck 2 doors down, to the police station. I follow the officer (while drunk driver lady pulls into Puna Fresh Foods) into the police parking lot where there are many other officer too. Once again, get out of my truck (lazy officer is obviously perturbed), and say what are you going to do about the drunk driver? Another officer asks lazy officer whats going on, lazy officer says "Oh, it's just about a drunk driver". Then lazy officer says to me "I told you I have to stay with this stolen car and we have people in custody, you can't just expect me to leave." Eventually the other officer takes my info on the van and plate number and I leave. Seriously doubt they made any attempt to get her.

And now for the real irony... I think drunk driver was the same woman who hit me 13 months ago!
That is terrible! That makes me upset!
Originally posted by MntnViewBlue

I have been fuming since Monday over this, so here goes.

Seriously doubt they made any attempt to get her.
Did you contact anyone at the police dept to see what happened (they may have done something but you were not there to see it) or did you just sit and stew?
What a terrible situation. This is a great reason to carry a video capable camera with you at all times. Even if it is a cell phone, it is good enough to be a material witness.

1) Record the offender, including zooming in on her plates

2) Record the police officers refusing to get involved

3) Check up with the PD to see what happened

4) Send all video to Damon, he and the Puna PD have a "relationship" and he could help you!

Really, your situation is a sad one, and it is one that should not be as common as it is.

Originally posted by Bob Orts

Originally posted by MntnViewBlue

I have been fuming since Monday over this, so here goes.

Seriously doubt they made any attempt to get her.
Did you contact anyone at the police dept to see what happened (they may have done something but you were not there to see it) or did you just sit and stew?

Aloha au i Hawai`i,
good job on what you did, it shows you care and by doing so might save a life. drunk drivers are killing way too many people. its kinda sad she was in such bad shape and needs to drink till shes drunk.

I don't see the point of contacting anyone at the police department about this. Last year when I had to go to get the police report for my insurance company, I had mentioned to the Capt. that there is no excuse for drunk driving, it's an easily avoidable crime. His reply was that it's not easy for people with a drinking problem to not drive!

Good Idea, Devaney. Don't know why I hadn't thought of it. From now on I will have a video camera in my car.
Mtview - You are talking by the Keaau Post Office aren't you[Big Grin]

My relationship is great with officers. Talked to one a few days ago about some weed and seed stuff that is up and coming.

My relationship turns sour when strangers ask me to erase my pictures[Wink]

You Drink, You drive, you... Hit a speed bump you spill your drink. [:o)]

1st Mtnview It's terrible what happened to you and the legal system only slaps people on the wrists.

2nd DUI Statistics have actually dropped dramatically in the last 18 months. (I myself attribute that to George Bush and price of Gas)

3rd It's not the best of ideas to be chasing down drunks. I know some titahs that would love to knock out someone following to close to her or just following them period. Leave it to the cops... Which Leads me to.

4. I assume since they were so close to the Post Office, they could have also pulling double duty and protecting the post office. Good thing you didn't get a picture of them doing their job with a picture of the post office in the back of them... you would have been in some serious ... never mind... long story.

5. Watch out for a Ford Focus. My alignment is a bit off and it pulls to the left. Please don't call the cops on me or my wife if you see us swerving, I will get it fixed soon.

Damon Tucker's Weblog
Totally disgusting. You should have told the cop that the driver was smoking weed. They would have sent in the choppers.
Originally posted by MntnViewBlue

I don't see the point of contacting anyone at the police department about this.
So you really have no idea what happened after you left [?]
You don't know if the person wasn't arrested. You don't know that the person isn't sitting in jail right now. You don't know if the person's vehicle is impounded. All you know is that the police did not act like you wanted them to act, but you have no knowledge what happened to the driver? Would you like me to make the long distance call to find out?
With budget constraints as they are local police will go out of their way to very selectively arrest because the budget does not exist to either prosecute or incarcerate. They are forced to pick and choose who spends time and who doesn't. It's an unspoken policy but certainly typical.

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