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Yearning to get back home
Yearning to get home

How long dose it take you to start yearning to get back to the islands when you go to the mainland?

Recently I had to go there for business [California] and had not been there for a few years. Is it me or is that place the hole you would stick the tube if you wanted to give the United States an enema. After two weeks of driving northern and southern Ca. I wanted nothing more than to get back home. The next time I go there it will be in chains.

The Lack [8D] [8D] [8D]

The Lack Toons
Are you expanding your Huli business or found a new relocation place for those free range bustards?[Big Grin]
Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
Don't know much about California.
Do know that my ole Kentucky home looked like another planet last year. States of New York and Washington were interesting, but not Hawaii and therefore not home -- and all of that was during the late spring when the weather there was as good as it gets there!

Thirty days away -- including time with family we dearly love plus a fantastic train trip -- and we were yearning to get home.

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park
I yearn to come back "home" (here in Hawaii) after about 2 weeks on the mainland...

CA is our 2nd home being that we were born and raised there. The wife and I go "back" every year so when we touch down, we hit the ground running. The speeding, madness, crowds, smog etc dont bother us. We love it and would move back to CA in a heartbeat...

With that being said, we are heading back to CA in March for 2 weeks. Spending spring break there and visiting fam...[8D]

I went to Milwaukie, Oregon for my 45th H.S. reunion this past summer. I was standing on the landing of the public library looking out over the little town where I spent my teen years, and I started to think how nice it was to be home. The thought stuck in my mind before I could imagine it, and I realized that I never have to say "I'm from Milwaukie Oregon," again. I'm from The Island of Hawaii. Paradigm shift.
Two years ago we had to go back to the east coast (NJ) for a family wedding and christening. Was ready to come home BEFORE the plane landed in Philly. Two weeks there, all the family stuff, traffic, cold weather, rude people, etc we kinda told them not to expect us back - they are welcome to visit here - and they do come Smile

As for our son and family, I can rationalize that. For us to visit them - plane fare for us, rental car, hotel as their place is too small, we'd pay to eat out and basically spending time together would be only when they are off work. If they visit here in Hawaii, we pay the airfare, they drive our cars, stay our house, eat our food, and we get to spend lots of together time. Seems a no-brainer.

ETA: I come from Maine, parents passed, but still have brothers and sisters in various areas, but the likelihood of my going back there is about same as my shoveling snow from my Ninole driveway.


Ninole Resident
Ninole Resident
For the first time ever I spent a few days in California (Monterey) a few months ago. For years my visits to CA involved nothing other than the odd night at LA or San Francisco airport hotels. I have to admit I fell in love with the place! I can't remember ever yearning to get back to Hawaii despite loving the place, I can think of several reasons why, but there's something very magical about returning. Looking out of a plane's window about an hour from Honolulu or Kona and seeing all those small fluffy cumulus clouds miles below and the blue Pacific ocean stirs me in a way I find difficult to describe.

We had to go back in early June several years ago after selling our house in Oregon and were ready to come home after the first night, it went down to 49 that night and we froze our butts off. I had to go buy a fleece jacket just to survive. We have to go back this summer to empty out a storage locker and ship the only things we want to keep back here and I am already dreading it. It's funny we lived in a place that many people dream of moving to, with many people moving there from all over the country, and yet we just want to come home when we visit there, even though we have many friends and family still there.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
I go back once in awhile (to So Cal) because of family. I enjoy it but could not live there again. About 5 days into it and I start missing Hawaii.

It is nice to have such an incredible choice of ethnic places to eat while on vacation. We make it a point to not have Asian (inc. sushi) or Hawaiian food while we are there. And usually have to stop at L&L or Ken's on the way from ITo to Kapoho! [Big Grin]

I went to Denver for four weeks last Spring to visit my 1 yr old grandbaby and wanted to come back home after two weeks. There were two snow storms while I was there.

It's almost time to go back again ... [sigh], but I do miss the grandbaby .... [sigh].

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