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Bridge and other activities for my Dad
After losing my Mom last March, and coming for a good two week visit in May, my Dad is going to come stay for 3 months this winter. I don't want him to get bored, so I am trying to find him some activities to keep him happy while here. I am hoping he will want to spend the worst of the Midwestern winters and summers with us (20 degrees or 110 degrees) after this visit.

Dad is a retired economic historian and professor, walks or bikes 6 miles a day at 81, rode horses, split and stacked firewood, and swam in a lake every weather suitable day until my Mom died; he is very mentally with it, reads a lot, and is still interested in politics and current events.

He and Mom played a lot of bridge, but of course he doesn't have a partner now. I saw a sign for Bridge at the turn for the Eagles, does anyone know anything about it? We live in HPP so we are looking for things to do between Pahoa and Kea'au.



Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Elizabeth's father played bridge at the Eagles' when he visited us in 2006. He was showered with aloha and had a great time.
wow! quite the man Smile sounds like permanent home in Hawaii be the place for him to enjoy year round physical activities! I'll bet as an economic historian he could give us all a lot of insight on the economic situations these days!
Does he play chess?

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
I feel sorry for your condition and the most important for your father..who is facing a very crucial phase of life..Without your mom it would be very tough for him to survive. So it is your responsibility to make him happy..Give your best so that he would never realize any emptiness in his life..

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