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Any Puna ghost stories?
I've met a lot of people who say that they've have some pretty crazy things happen to them while on the big island. Myself included. I was just wondering if any of you here have had any ghostly encounters in Puna. Pele, night marchers, choking ghosts, etc?
There are several books on it. Check out local book stores or library. One is called Chicken Skin Stories.
Spend some time at MacKenzie park. Wouldn't go at night. Know this saying...
"Fools rush in where angels fear to tread"
or "There Are More Things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio. Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
May be a portal.
Yeah I've heard a lot about Mackenzie park. Haven't gotta the chance to read a mo'olelo actually involving an individuals first hand account though.
I also know there are people out there who've has strange things happen while on the old government road. But I can't seem to find any printed mo'olelo on that either.
Lots of "experiences" in Puna, Kapoho, Opihikao, Kalapana, Kaimu, Ka'u, (in fact, all around our island) have not been written, but related through our kupuna.

Some of the uhane (spirit) experiences have died with our kupuna, as they were not shared, or private for the ohana only (as a lesson of sorts). For example, our Tutu was Kahuna Nui and her stories would raise the hair on your skin! Then, we were taught how to deal with these kinds of "visits".

Another Kahuna Nui of our ohana (very well known to both kanaka maoli and some ka po'e haole) warned us not to speak freely of our experiences as foreigners would think we were nuts! She also taught us that one day, the ka po'e haole would bring their own spirits here with them, but we had to learn which was ours, and which was not when they "visit".

As to the written word, IMO, some are true, perhaps, some are embellished, and some are not even close to being of the Hawaiian culture.

If there are any kupuna in your area, they may be able (and moreso, willing) to share the real stories of uhane, kepalo, and other entities that visited, and continue to visit today.

Mahalo for sharing opihikao! I agree that many mo'olelo have either gone away with our kupuna, or are being kept strictly within many of the family here. Mines included. I just enjoy reading about other experiences, especially when it concerns the big island. I grew up in the lower part of Hawaiian Beaches and can't find much information about the area. So I see any encounters as clues to the history of my childhood playground.
This subject came up a while back and I offered my story. I didn't know we wern't supposed to talk about these things until I was told on here that it wasn't a good idea. I don't mean any disrespect. The following is what happened to me;

We were camping, more like just partying with tons of food and friends. I've seen things in my life I pray children will never have to see in theirs. I'm pretty seasoned when it come to showing fear and how to just react and not let fear overwhelm you but there are times when your fear grows up from the ground like roots of a vine. These roots of intense fear grow up between your toes and wrap around your legs. Soon your stuck in your tracks and only your upper torso can move. Then the this fear seeps up into your chest and you can't breathe, then your just frozen in place and you can only observe. Your transfixed on the object of your fear, unable to blink and unable to breathe. Seconds represent hours in these moments and your heart beats like a Japanese taiko drum. This happened to me at this place.

This evening was amazing, the moon was out and as bright as a spot light. The ocean looked like a giant sheet of crumpled aluminum foil with blue die spilled over it. I don't drink alcohol so I was completely sober and drug free but I could feel this "magic" in the air. The water twinkled like the flash of a million paparazzi camera flashes. I have to admit, I was spooked and felt over whelmed. I could feel something was about to "go down". You have this feeling as an instinct and you learn to listen to this feeling and keep your eyes open. I had just come back to Hawaii after being over seas so I was still dialed into my training. I was keeping low, almost crouching when I first saw the dull light of a lantern in the distance. I was alone just soaking in the solitude and the rythm of the ocean crashing against the cliffs. Almost at once my instinct merged with my training and I was whisked away to some foreign place burried deep in my memories. My hand slid down my side to ready my weapon and the absence of my "friend"(my weapon) returned me to the reality that I was back home in Hawaii and there was no theat. "Announce your intentions" ran through my head as the roots of that vine were growing between my toes. The dull light of the lantern bobbed back and forth highlighting the shape of a small person. The moons bright light was noticibly absent around this lone figure which drew closer and closer. The vines of fear were growing higher up my body and I could hear the volume of my heart beat getting louder. The waves would crash and the sounds of boulders smashing together echoed through the clear air. The lantern light bobbed and swayed within 25 yards of me and I could see clearly it was an old woman carrying an old ships hurricane lantern. I could feel the vines creeping up my stomach to the bottom area of my rib cage. At night, Three things will always give away your position; sound, movement and shape. In my mind I knew I was in Hawaii, I knew I was safe but this fear gripped my body like a bench vise. I yelled out to her "Anty! Be carefull over there" alerting her to the cliffs and attempting to regain my composure. I also wanted her to see me so she wouldn't be startled and affraid when I rose up from my crouch. By this time she was within 10 yards of me and she came out of the shadows, the moonlight finally wrapped around her almost like accent lights. She glowed, not like a cylume light stick but a soft glow like when you see a child's face in the sun and you can see the baby hairs light up their face. She smiled and looked at me like I was 4 years old and dressed in a cowboy costume bouncing around on a broomstick horse. It was a look like "you silly kid, keep playing and leave the adults alone". I said loudly " Anty? You hungry? We get plenty food", still no response. Her steps looked like she was walking on air. She made her way past me and and just floated between the rocks like an unattended cigarette burning a smoke trail. I slowly walked back to the campsite and put food into a mouth that connected to a hole larger than the Grand Canyon. I was spooked and now I realized what it was like when something just appears from nowhere. I don't like that place, the ground is black and it's almost like the jungle knows not to grow there.


Wow that was an intense story! Mahalo nui for sharing!
Whao. That is a sure scary story!
It's stories like that, that make me appreciate my home even more. The mana that remains within the islands never cease to amaze me.

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