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Saw someone washing his car at the county tap
Is this something that's OK to do?
Oh, this was at the one that's west of 130 near the Keaau transfer station.
Puna: Our roosters crow first
I usually assume they might be having some problem with their water at home or are in a temporary rental and can't wash car, hard times, living in a tent on their property while building, something like that and give benefit of the doubt. I'll usually wave and smile to help them not feel embarrassed. People bath, dog baths, wash dishes, car wash, you name it at the bottom of 130 in Kalapana.
It is illegal, but of course, no one will ever stop them. The worst are the ones that leave the mud lying there for everyone else to walk thru.
A few years back the county tried to close the taps because of the waste, which would turn puna into a scene from The Water Knife. So I think a little enforcement like maybe cameras would be a good thing.
Given the lack of car washes around here, I'm not surprised. Maybe if they had some place else to go, it would be better. The county's inability to provide sewer/drinking water to so many needs to be more flexible with how residents use county water.

Peace and long life
Peace and long life
they also used to have signage saying no tanks over 55 gallons... the signs came down and no once cares now, all good by me...
plus thats the crappy usually trashed and overgrown water station across from the dump... not alot of people fill up at that one.

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
I seen a guy taking a shower at the water taps, wearing swim trunks so as not to be indecent.
I've seen people bathing at the taps too. Standing behind some of these folks in a checkout line I wish more would do it more often.
Originally posted by kalakoa

I seen a guy taking a shower at the water taps, wearing swim trunks so as not to be indecent.

Had to. People were complaining. Prudes!
It would be nice if the people who wash their car and fill up jugs would buy a hose and a nozzle instead just letting the water run. I hate when go to get water someone is just letting water run out on the ground and wasting it. This is water is not free it cost the county quite a bit of money to supply this water.


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