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Josh Green Banned From State’s Virus Response!

Hawaii Lt. Gov. Josh Green Banned From State’s Virus Response Effort

After recently naming him as the state’s liaison, Gov. David Ige has now essentially fired Green, a medical doctor, from participating in the coronavirus effort.

One of the most prominent public officials in Hawaii with medical expertise on the coronavirus has been ostracized by the Ige administration.

Several sources with direct knowledge of the state’s response to COVID-19 say Gov. David Ige has ordered his Cabinet officials and others to not consult Lt. Gov. Josh Green, who is a medical doctor.

He has also been told to leave press conferences involving the governor and the Hawaii Department of Health.

The governor’s directive has perplexed people familiar with the severity of the coronavirus crisis, which on Wednesday tallied 90 cases including one death in the islands.

Read the rest at link above...
Gee, does the wimp Ige actually have an ego? He must really feel threatened (upstaged?) by Green to do this, but when you're indecisive and late stepping up to the plate in a crisis, you deserve it. Civil Beat points out the Green is running against Ige's buddy Caldwell for governor in two years, so there's good old boy politics involved, too. Will Hawaii voters be stupid enough to elect rail proponent Caldwell? Sadly, it could happen. Meanwhile an asset in dealing with the pandemic is sidelined. Just when you think things couldn't possibly get any more stupid, they do.
To bad politics has to get involved in this.

It’s happening with Dr. Fauci at the national level too. I hope all the people who think it’s appropriate to get their COVID-19 health recommendations from a politician rather than a doctor, will call an elected official from now on when they’re sick, or need a checkup.

Then after a few election cycles, voters who prefer doctors as their health providers may finally outnumber the numbskulls who vote in these idiots.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Dr. Fauci has gone out of his way to deny the statement and suggest that the Press cease on this as it is not helpful. He points to being much in sync with the President with small details of difference.

As to Ige, keep in mind that he did the same to the prior Lt. Governor, TsuTsue. Shortly after the start of the first term the then Lt. Gov. disappeared from the scene. Word is that he was banished to Maui (his home) and told to stay there and out of the limelight. Whether that is all true or not, who knows, but in fact he did disappear. This all speaks to ego but probably more importantly the ability, or lack Therof to create and manage a team of strong players. That ability does appear to be quite missing.
being much in sync with the President with small details of difference.

Fauci is trying his best to maintain his position as a source for accurate information about the Coronavirus. So he makes supportive statements as you noted. Unfortunately, he can’t keep a straight face when anyone on stage repeats some crazy unfounded conspiracy theory. This has been brought to the attention of you know who. He’s been moved from center stage, to the back, then the far side out of the camera shot. Yesterday he wasn’t there at all. Today without his input we’re raring to get back to business by Easter.

This happens regularly:

In Hawaii, Dr. Green is now out of sight, and a Ige hopes out of mind. Ige can then promote his business centric COVID-19 response. Possibly with minimum downtime for the tourist industry, rather than a timeframe which would best protect our citizens and kapuna.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
From my perspective, the fundamental shortcoming of both Ige and Kim is their inability to recognize and alleviate the publics fears. I, in any other way than intuitively, can not say whether they are right or wrong in their approach to managing this crisis. My gut says they both are failing miserably and the virus will have far worse consequences than had they been more proactive and gotten ahead of this thing with strict measures early on. But setting that aside, the one thing they both have glaringly failed at is easing the public's concerns.

Some people criticize Josh Green for taking advantage of this situation to be in the publics eye, speaking with the different county councils and such, as if it's a political ploy to set the stage for his bid to become Hawaii's next governor. I think that is just ridiculous silliness by the accusers. Josh has brought his expertise, and his ability to articulate information so that nonprofessionals understand and can appreciate the situation. As such Josh has become the one, consistent, voice in the state government that HAS alleviated the public's fears. Which is the most important thing, imo, in a crisis of this magnitude for government to do so as to be able to move us towards solutions.

By demoting Josh, as is being reported by Civil Beat, Ige, in the same way Harry's arrogance before him, has lost the public's confidence. Instead of giving us faith in his guidance he, in a single stroke, has destroyed it.

The odd thing is, as those who accuse Josh of political manipulation, it seems obvious that Ige's move today is wholly politically motivated. And, unfortunately for him and his sidekick Caldwell, will end in both of their's demise.
So it's Ige and Bruce Anderson leading the charge.....I'm overwhelmed with confidence.
"Instead of giving us faith in his guidance he, in a single stroke, has destroyed it."

I don't know a single person who had any faith in Ige to begin with. Same old, same old. TMT - Fail. Pandemic - Fail.
""Instead of giving us faith in his guidance he, in a single stroke, has destroyed it."

I don't know a single person who had any faith in Ige to begin with. Same old, same old. TMT - Fail. Pandemic - Fail.

Completely agree, and Ige was voted back in during 2018 even after the false missile alert farce. How that happened I will never know, but I suspect most sensible people gave up faith in Ige years ago.

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