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Restrictions to continue!
(11-23-2021, 08:04 PM)Obie Wrote: I spent the summer living in Ohio and actually know and interact with Amish and Mennonites.

I call BS on this one source that was just cited.

Try this one or a hundred others that contradict the opinion on realclearpolitics.
The opinion of realclearpolitics? What opinion? They shared the Amish opinion, not theirs. You call BS on Amish people expressing their observations of thier own people to that of a secular sociologist who doesn't live among the Amish but essentially backed up what the Amish dude said. They don't trust the government, period. As per the god will protect me BS, it was just that, a BS punctuation added by the author at the end of third hand speculative based article. 

Attempting to portray the video as the opinion of realclearpolitics is absurd.
Evidently you've sucked up so much nonsense, you can't even differentiate between journalism that doesn't injects it's authors opinion and journalism that does inject it's authors opinion and cling to the later as your chosen information provider.
(11-23-2021, 07:27 PM)AaronM Wrote: The fact that the 'Natch has a door guard speaks volumes to the times that we currently find ourselves in.

While I was there sitting in my car, he took a break from spraying shoppers' hands to shoo away a very disheveled man ambling by.  The guy's pants had slipped down around his ankles and he was struggling to pull them up while approaching the entrance.  Denied entry. Big Grin

(11-23-2021, 05:09 AM)Wao nahele kane Wrote: That goal post (herd immunity) won't be reached in the USA as a whole, due to the vaccines major short comings and the calander period an area was first hit hard. Some communities and nations have reached natural herd immunity because they were fortunate enough to be hit hard in the early stages of the pandemic (Feb, March, April, May, June 2020) and then nailed again by the alpha variant in second death wave between 2020 and 2021, that allowed them to reach herd immunity before the bulk of the vaccine was introduced that destroyed any hope for herd immunity. 

Those places would be, but not limited to; New York, Sweden..
No such thing ("herd immunity")has been obtained anywhere. 

Sweden is about 80% vaccinated, recently decided to require proof of vaccination for some events and require foreign visitors to be vaccinated.
(11-23-2021, 08:48 PM)AaronM Wrote: This article seems credible.  At least they offer direct quotes from Amish people and Amish scholars.  Should be easy enough to verify...
Just a heads up, your link is incomplete.

(11-23-2021, 09:57 PM)Durian Fiend Wrote:
(11-23-2021, 07:27 PM)AaronM Wrote: The fact that the 'Natch has a door guard speaks volumes to the times that we currently find ourselves in.

While I was there sitting in my car, he took a break from spraying shoppers' hands to shoo away a very disheveled man ambling by.  The guy's pants had slipped down around his ankles and he was struggling to pull them up while approaching the entrance.  Denied entry. Big Grin

(11-23-2021, 05:09 AM)Wao nahele kane Wrote: That goal post (herd immunity) won't be reached in the USA as a whole, due to the vaccines major short comings and the calander period an area was first hit hard. Some communities and nations have reached natural herd immunity because they were fortunate enough to be hit hard in the early stages of the pandemic (Feb, March, April, May, June 2020) and then nailed again by the alpha variant in second death wave between 2020 and 2021, that allowed them to reach herd immunity before the bulk of the vaccine was introduced that destroyed any hope for herd immunity. 

Those places would be, but not limited to; New York, Sweden..
No such thing ("herd immunity")has been obtained anywhere. 

Sweden is about 80% vaccinated, recently decided to require proof of vaccination for some events and require foreign visitors to be vaccinated.
Not sure what your definition of herd immunity is, but for me and by it's own definition, it simply means a virus no longer has substantial impact within a community due to the fact the virus has more difficulty making it's way through a community with a high immune rate and connecting to a person who isn't immune. Very simple. Covid-19 is no longer having a substantial impact in Sweden, particularly relative to places like Hawaii or Washington State, etc. 

If there's no such thing as herd immunity, then any and all existing virulent and highly contagious viruses now within a community would rampage through that community getting nearly everyone. Yet, that doesn't happen, due to herd immunity.
They can't make a permanent traveler registry.

Well they can, but as soon as a case ends up in federal court it will be gone.

I also hope that most people here really aren't for these current restrictions. We'd be like the only state left with them. I'm going to go crazy living here if this doesn't change quickly next year.

I really hate to say this, but thank christ for the feds after seeing that SMS poll. I will hope the SMS poll didn't catch a representative portion of the population or didn't weight things right.

At least the loudest people seem to be against restrictions. They get the vast majority of upvotes on places like CivilBeat. Two to three times more than the pro restriction comments. That said I can see how that might not be representative of the population at large.

However, I wonder how that SMS poll scales to likely voters.

Gov. David Ige announced today that he would allow the counties to make their own pandemic emergency orders and rules starting next month.

THANK YOU!! Now I can complain to Mitch!!!
They shared the Amish opinion

They did not share THE Amish opinion, they shared the opinion of one group in Pennsylvania.  From your link:

 a whole different approach here in this community

There are Amish communities all across Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, and the upper Midwest. They live and operate independently.

(11-24-2021, 03:46 AM)HereOnThePrimalEdge Wrote: They shared the Amish opinion

They did not share THE Amish opinion, they shared the opinion of one group in Pennsylvania.  From your link:

 a whole different approach here in this community

There are Amish communities all across Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, and the upper Midwest. They live and operate independently.

Excuse me? You want to obsfucate the point of it not being the opinion of realclearpolitics by attempting to disqualify an Amish persons opinion as not an opinion of the Amish? If he isn't a representative/specimen of the Amish, what the hell is he, a city slicker in Pennsylvania or a sociologist at some university reading some records?

Nice try there with the obsfucation of the point, the point was, it wasn't realclearpolitics opinion, it was an opinion of Amish people who were the topic of the story, their opinions, not realclearpolitics. Pretending that their opinions aren't representative of the Amish... A fart in the wind, at best.

Better luck next time.
The Amish that I am familiar with would never divulge anything like that.
The Ohio Amish are now a larger community than the Pennsylvania Amish.

The article posted testimony from 2 people who I don't know. I prefer to get it word of mouth !
You want to obsfucate the point

Her comment is certainly true for her personally, perhaps for her community.  Is it true for all Amish communities, 10’s of thousands of Amish individuals across the Midwest? I doubt it.  Do you think it does?
(11-24-2021, 06:56 AM)HereOnThePrimalEdge Wrote: You want to obsfucate the point

Her comment is certainly true for her personally, perhaps for her community.  Is it true for all Amish communities, 10’s of thousands of Amish individuals across the Midwest? I doubt it.  Do you think it does?
It doesn't represent realclearpolitics opinion. It represents the opinions and views of a couple Amish men that were interviewed. 

Attempting to disqualify their opinions by stating they aren't the entirety of the Amish community is nothing more than obfuscatory and irrelevant point. You're attempting to apply an absolute whole to a general group/class label. In other words, you're presenting sophistry as an argument to disqualify these men as the Amish. 

It's like attempting to state that answers to questions by a couple Americans on a British broadcast isn't American opinion. 

Just because a person from a group or class isn't the whole of the group or class isn't justification for attempting to disqualify their opinion as representative of that group or class.  Amish isn't a label that is forbidden to be used outside an absolute representive of the whole.

What you're attempting to do here, is to say that an Amish person isn't Amish because they aren't all of the Amish. He/She is Amish but according to you they aren't Amish because they aren't all of the Amish. Rubbish sophist based obfucatory nonsense. 

I'd recommend laying off the sophistry juice over there.

BTW... The gal doing the interview isn't Amish. So this "her" opinion crap is out there in la la land.

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