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  Hawaiian Volcano Observatory Is Being Evicted Amid Federal Cuts
Posted by: MyManao - 03-20-2025, 05:26 PM - Forum: Punatalk - Replies (1)

From CB this morning.. https://www.civilbeat.org/2025/03/hawaii...eral-cuts/

Observatory leaders have assured local emergency officials their public service will continue, but questions linger about how and where that work will happen.

For more than 100 years, the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory has kept a close eye on Kīlauea and other geologic hot spots to warn Big Island residents before eruptions, while training hundreds of volcano researchers from around the globe.

Now, the observatory’s staff faces eviction from their current headquarters at the Ironworks Building in Hilo — where they have been housed during construction of their new, permanent observatory — as part of the Elon Musk-led effort to end hundreds of federal leases early.

It remains unclear exactly how that lease cancellation will affect the observatory’s research and public services; no one seems to want to talk about it.

More at link above..

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  The Hawaii-related ukulele thread
Posted by: TomK - 03-20-2025, 07:38 AM - Forum: Punatalk - Replies (19)

We all know the ukulele is associated with Hawaii, so to bring some joy back into PW, how about posting some of your favorite ukulele videos? A couple of mine:

 <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/LW_O5VWIOZE?si=Zl8lq6mtHZxQrxn8" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/pLgJ7pk0X-s?si=erC8BFJpo9oTHp81" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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  HMSA Extra Benefits
Posted by: HereOnThePrimalEdge - 03-18-2025, 02:09 AM - Forum: Punatalk - Replies (19)

Is anyone here retired and have HMSA Akamai Advantage with your Medicare coverage?
Part of the “benefits” we are supposed to receive include a $200 OTC allowance every quarter.  You can use their online order form and have them ship things to you from the catalog, like a $2.00 can of tuna for $7.00.  Or you can go into Long’s with their app that is designed to let you scan bar codes and tell you if the item is qualified or not.  The app scanner has not worked for over a year.  It’s the same error message saying something about the meat counter at Aldi’s.

Anyone else experiencing this or other issues?

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  Some tips/tricks on weeding
Posted by: dobanion - 03-17-2025, 03:43 PM - Forum: Farming and Gardening in Puna - Replies (7)

Decided to share after I tried some new things on my property and found some successes.

Tall grass. When its to the point that the weed whacker just keeps getting tangled, use a hedge trimmer. Cut about a foot off the ground.

Flame torch. Those propane flame throwers. Works great for killing back a bunch of green/tops and leave you with just root clumps to pull. Secondary bonus when you are dealing with things with lots of seeds (when are you not?), like my nemesis, Guinea Grass. The flame causes most seeds to pop like popcorn and kill them. Obvious, but must be stated, anything and everything than can burn/melt, WILL, so use caution and hopefully a backup helper with a garden hose. Don't use when it's windy, etc.

O'o' bar with spade end for weeds. Where has this been all my life? Get your technique down, and there isn't much you can't get under with this thing and yank the whole weed out in one chunk. My nemesis didn't stand a chance.

Cut stumps. Find a place that sells tricloypr ester concentrate. Mix with diesel. Apply a tiny bit of this to the cut stump, and it will not grow back. Sure you can try RoundUp, doesn't work half as well.

Haole Koa. My other nemesis. Tricloypr works best on it, but it's tough, and it takes a long time to die, and even longer to vanish. The cut stump with tricloypr method works, but I ended up going nuclear. 15k rated nylon tow strap, a chain around the base, and a 4x4. Two people with a good routine can really tear through em this way. Back up, attach, pull forward (yanking it out), toss haole koa in the bed, repeat. The roots aren't as tough as the top looks. Try this with a wild hazelnut (I did in Oregon) and the truck will pull the bumper hitch off before the tree comes out. I plan to do a good stretch of my road as it's 3' of haole koa right next to the pavement on both sides.

Other weeds I have successfully eradicated from certain areas. Castor bean, pigweed, Christmas berry. I am lucky I have not had to fight much of octopus trees or miconia.

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  Event today 3/15 in Pāhoa...
Posted by: punikahakaiferret - 03-15-2025, 07:00 PM - Forum: Puna Events - Replies (1)

...technically at The Stables, at the entrance to Hawaiian Beaches/Hawaiian Shores on Kahakai Blvd. I copied this off a Nextdoor post because I couldn't find an actual link to post. Apologies for the messiness of it.

Main point is it is today, from noon-8p. Sounds like a lot going on, and a lot of fun, too:

Event Info

Artisans at work making their specialties. Food & Craft Vendors, Music and Educational Activities. Moveable Feast of Puna is promoting this event to make it FREE for attendees. 

Vendors that are Participating:
HoneyBee Sensual - Honey
SeaFaring Gypsy - Metal Smith
Rad Hatter - Hats
Old Growth Organics - Mushrooms & Tinctures
My Hawaii Life Studio
Crystal Matrix- Live painting Demo
Seahorse Deli - Food Crafter
Clothing Closet - Tie Dye Clothing
Love, Gaia LLC - Vegan Food Crafter
Blacksand Fine Instruments - Handcrafted
L Roy One of a Kind Greeting Cards - Hand crafted
Green Goat Farm - Freeze Dried Foods
Danie with the Crystals - Crystals 
Eden Farms- Seether Institute - Local Farm
Wellness for Life Hawaii- Hydroponic Veggies & tinctures
Boom Kananz - Hawaiian Food Crafter
U’ilani Jewelry - Hand carved wood jewelry
Holoholhomestead - Origami earrings, cards & ornaments

Cece’s Sweets & Eats - Italian Food Crafter
MaryMade Kombucha & Food Items Handmade
Angel Chocolate - Hawaiian Chocolate Crafter
Sea Star Art - Ceramics & Paintings
Flirty Hippie - Wired Wrapped Jewelry

Educational Seminar Schedule in the Classroom:

 1:00 HoneyBee Sensual- Bees & Honey
 1:30 - Chandra- Green Goat Farm- Freeze Drying Food
 2:00 - Aero-Old Growth Organics- Mushrooms & Our Health
 2:30 - Jay Reed- Making a Flute
 3:00 - Gary Rosenberg - Animals & Our EcoSystem
 3:30 - RadHatter- Professional Hat Making
 4:00 - Shane-The BeeCharmer- Bees and Our Environment
 4:30 - Rozetta William - Consultant for Non Profits & Grants
 5:00 - 8:00 - Kascadence Plays

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  Code Brown Water Advisory Issued for Hilo Bay and Hamakua Coast on Hawai’i Island
Posted by: terracore - 03-12-2025, 04:29 AM - Forum: Punatalk - No Replies

Big Island – The Hawaii Department of Health has issued a Brown Water Advisory for Hilo Bay and along the Hamakua coast on Hawai’i Island, effective today. The advisory is a result of recent heavy rainfall in the area.

The Department of Health is urging residents and visitors to avoid entering the water in affected areas until the advisory is lifted. Brown or murky water, especially following periods of heavy rain, can contain elevated levels of pollutants. These pollutants can include bacteria, pathogens, and debris that pose a health risk to those who come into contact with the water.

Health officials recommend staying out of the water for 48-72 hours after the rain has stopped and after the beach has received full sunshine. This allows time for the water to clear and for pollutant levels to subside.

In addition to pollution concerns, the Department of Health is reminding the public to avoid swimming, wading in, or drinking water from any freshwater streams or ponds to prevent leptospirosis. Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection caused by the Leptospira bacteria and can be contracted through contact with contaminated water. More information about leptospirosis can be found on the Department of Health website: https://health.hawaii.gov/docd/disease_listing/leptospirosis/

“If the water is brown, turn around,” is the message being emphasized by the Department of Health.

The Department of Health will continue to monitor water quality and will issue an update when the advisory is lifted.

For more information about the Brown Water Advisory, please visit: https://eha-cloud.doh.hawaii.gov/cwb#!/event/1905/details/view


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  How will the proposed budget affect us in Puna?
Posted by: HereOnThePrimalEdge - 03-12-2025, 01:23 AM - Forum: Puna Politics - Replies (2)

Democrats have broken down how much the proposed budget in the US House will affect individuals and families in every district.  Here are the numbers for Hawaii District 2 which includes Puna.
This IS NOT a discussion about the national budget.
This IS NOT about partisan politics.

THIS IS a discussion about your neighbors in Puna.
How will it affect them?
Can they afford the extra costs to their monthly budget?
What can they do to make up the shortfall, given limited opportunities in Puna?
If you believe spending cuts will have no affect, or a positive affect on people in Puna, please discuss that as well.

From Jill Tokuda

Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, tens of millions of Americans can afford high-quality health care. House
Democrats built on the Affordable Care Act, delivering lower prices and expanding coverage.
Under the Republican budget plan, the 13,000 people who receive coverage under the Affordable Care Act
in HI-02 would see their average premium go up by $960 per year — a 30% increase.

Many families would face even steeper consequences. A 60-year-old couple with a household income of
$85,000 in HI-02 would see their health insurance costs increase by $588 per year — a 9% increase in

Nearly 80 million Americans receive health care through Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program, which provide critical care throughout all stages of life. Medicaid covers everything from childbirth to nursing home care and everything in between.
In HI-02, the 224,501 people on Medicaid are at risk of losing their health care under Republican budget

This includes 88,204 children under the age of 19 and 23,000 seniors over 65 in HI-02.
With many American families struggling to put food on the table, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program provides critical support for over 40 million Americans including children, seniors, veterans, and working parents.

Extreme Republican budget plans threaten the 82,000 people in HI-02 who count on SNAP to put food on the table.


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  Pomelo fruiting
Posted by: bgiles - 03-11-2025, 08:04 PM - Forum: Farming and Gardening in Puna - Replies (3)

Aloha! We have a 15' Ben Hu pomelo planted in January 2014. Sun from late morning to late afternoon. Tree and leaves look vigorous and glossy. Have never seen it flower. Tried higher potash fertilizer a few years back. We're at 1200' in Mt. View. Also, anyone growing lychee? Best variety? Thanks!

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  Hawaiʻi County reaches COVID hazard pay agreements with employee unions
Posted by: HiloJulie - 03-08-2025, 09:00 PM - Forum: Punatalk - Replies (1)

Finally, a fair and equitable compromise.

Hawaiʻi County reaches COVID hazard pay agreements with employee unions : Big Island Now

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  Hawaii County Hazard Mitigation Plan
Posted by: Moderator 2 - 03-06-2025, 01:05 AM - Forum: Punatalk - Replies (13)

There’s a link at the end of the HNN story for a survey.  The survey is not all multiple choice, you can enter specific concerns.  Let them know we in Puna have concerns.


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